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Journal Articles
Oli, M. K., A. J. Keney, R. Boonstra, S. Boutin, V. Chaudhary and J. E. Hines, and C. J. Krebs. 2021. Estimating abundance, temporary emigration and the pattern of density dependence in a cyclic snowshoe hare population in Yukon, Canada. Canadian Journal of Zoology (in press).
Chaudhary, V. and M. K. Oli. 2021. False dichotomy in PVA quality assessment. Conservation Biology (in press). pdf
Polyakov, A. Y., W. D. Tietje, A. Srivathsa, V. Rolland, J. E., Hines, and M. K. Oli. 2021. Multiple coping strategies maintain stability of a small mammal population in resource-restricted environments. Ecology & Evolution (in press). pdf
Chaudhary, A., W. D. Tietje, V. Rolland, A. Y. Polyakov, and M. K. Oli. 2021. Factors driving California pocket mice (Chaetodipus californicus) population dynamics. Journal of Mammalogy (in press). pdf
Rolland, V., W. D. Tietje, A. Y. Polyakov,V. Chaudhary and M. K. Oli. 2021. Climatic factors and population demography in big-eared woodrat. Journal of Mammalogy (in press). pdf
Al Jahdhami, M. H., D. L. Karelus, W. A. Fazari, L. R. de Roland, G. Razafimanjato, M. J. McGrady, and M. K. Oli. 2021. Patterns of movement by Sooty Falcon (Falco concolor) tracked via satellite across their annual cycle. Bird Study (In press). pdf
Srivathsa, A., R. Rodrigues, S. Sharma; K. B. Toh, A. Zachariah, R. W. Taylor, M. K. Oli and U. Ramakrishnan. 2021. The truth about scats and dogs: Next-generation sequencing and spatial capture–recapture models offer opportunities for conservation monitoring of an endangered social canid. Biological Conservation 256:109028. pdf
Nichols, J. D., M. K. Oli, W. L. Kendall and G. Scott Boomer. 2021. A better approach for dealing with reproducibility and replicability in science. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118:e2100769118. pdf
Vasudev, D., V. R. Goswami and M. K. Oli. 2021. Detecting dispersal: Adapting dynamic occupancy models to reliably quantify connectivity across heterogenous conservation landscapes. Biological Conservation 253:108874. pdf
Chaudhary, V., S. M. Wisely, F. A. Henandez, J. E. Hines, J. D. Nichols, and M. K. Oli. 2020. A multi-state occupancy modelling framework for robust estimation of disease prevalence in multi-organ disease systems. Journal of Applied Ecology 57:2463-2474. pdf
Part-Guitart, M., D. P. Onorato, J. E. Hines, and M. K. Oli. 2020. Spatiotemporal pattern of interactions between an apex predator and sympatric species. Journal of Mammalogy101:1279-1288. pdf
Reynolds, B., M. W. Oli and M. K. Oli. 2020. Eco-Oncology: applying ecological principles to understand and manage cancer. Ecology & Evolution 10: 8538–8553. pdf
Cordes, L. S., K. B. Armitage, D. T. Blumstein, D. Z. Child, Brian D. Gerber, M. K. Oli, and A. Ozgul. 2020. Contrasting impacts of climate change on seasonal survival. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117:18119-18126. pdf
Oli, M. K., C. J. Krebs, A. J. Keney, R. Boonstra, S. Boutin and J. Hines. 2020. Demography of snowshoe hare population cycles. Ecology 101:e02969. pdf
Chaudhary, V. and M. K. Oli. 2020. A critical appraisal of population viability analysis. Conservation Biology 34:26-40. EDITOR’S CHOICE. pdf
Srivathsa, A., S. Sharma, G. A. Punjabi, P. Singh and M. K. Oli. 2020. A strategic road map for conserving the Endangered dhole Cuon alpinus in India. Mammal Review 50:399-412. pdf
Srivathsa, A., S. Sharma, and M. K. Oli. 2020. Every dog has its prey: Range-wide assessment of links between diet patterns, livestock depredation and human interactions for an endangered carnivore. Science of the Total Environment: 136798. pdf
Paniw, M., D. Z. Childs, K. B. Armitage, D. T. Blumstein, J. Martin, M. K. Oli, and A. Ozgul. 2020. Assessing seasonal demographic covariation to understand environmental‐change impacts on a hibernating mammal. Ecology Letters 23:588-597. pdf
Selby, T. H., K. M. Hart, B. J. Smith, C. G. Pollock, Z. Hillis-Starr, and M. K. Oli 2019. Juvenile Hawksbill Residency and Habitat-use within a Caribbean Marine Protected Area. Endangered Species Research 40:53-64. pdf
Oli, M. K. 2019. Population cycles in voles and lemmings: State of the science and future directions. Mammal Review 49:226-239. pdf
Srivathsa. A., K. U. Karanth, N. S. Kumar, and M. K. Oli. 2019. Insights from distribution dynamics inform strategies to conserve a dhole Cuon alpinus metapopulation in India. Scientific Reports 9:3081. pdf
Karelus, D. L., J. W. McCown, B. K. Scheick, M. Van de Kerk, B. M. Bolker, and M. K. Oli. 2018. Incorporating movement patterns to discern habitat selection: black bears as a case study. Wildlife Research 46:76-88. pdf
Al Farsi, G., J. Al Araimi, J. Al Humaidi, A. Al Bulushi, M. Sarrouf Willson, M McGrady, and M. K. Oli. 2019. Use of the municipal dump site on Masirah Island, Oman by endangered Egyptian Vultures (Neophron percnopterus) during 2013 – 2018. Sandgrouse 41:7-14. pdf
McGrady, M. J., D. L. Karelus, H. A. Rayaleh, M. Sarrouf Willson, B. –U. Meyburg, M. K. Oli, K. Bildstein. 2019. Home ranges and movements of Egyptian Vultures in relation to rubbish dumps in Oman and the Horn of Africa. Bird Study 65: 544-556. pdf
Kelt D. A., E. J. Heske, X. Lambin, M. K. Oli, J. L. Orrock, A. Ozgul, , J. N. Pauli, L. Prugh, R. Sollmann and S. Sommer. 2019. Population dynamics and species interactions among mammals. Journal of Mammalogy 100:965-1007 (invited contribution to the Centennial issue of the Journal of Mammalogy).
Srivathsa, A., W. D. Tietje, V. Rolland, A. Y. Polyakov, M. K. Oli. 2019. Climatic drivers of pinyon mouse Peromyscus truei population dynamics in a resource-restricted environment. Population Ecology 61:122-131. pdf
Morton, E. R., M. J. McGrady, I. Newton, C. Rollie, G. D. Smith, R. Mearns, and M. K. Oli. 2018. Dispersal: a matter of scale. Ecology 99:938-946. pdf
Criffield, M., M. Van de Kerk, E. Leone, M. W. Cunningham, M. Lotz, M. K. Oli and D. P. Onorato. 2018. Assessing impacts of intrinsic and extrinsic factors on Florida panther movements. Journal of Mammalogy 99:702-712. pdf
Tietje, W. D., A. Y. Polyakov, V. Rolland, A. Y. Polyakov, M. K. Oli. 2018. Population ecology of the California mouse (Peromyscus californicus) in semi−arid oak woodland. Journal of Mammalogy (in press). pdf
McGrady, M. J., W. Al Fazari, M. Al Jahdhami, M. Fisher, A. Y. Kwarteng, H. Walter and M. K. Oli. 2018. Accessibility and distance to beach influences nesting success of Sooty Falcons (Falco concolor) breeding on the islands in the Sea of Oman. Ibis (In press). pdf
Karelus, D. L., J. W. McCown, B. K. Scheick, M. van de Kerk, B. M. Bolker, and M. K. Oli. 2018. Microhabitat features influencing heterogeneous habitat-use by Florida black bears. Global Ecology and Conservation 13:e00367. pdf
Moore, J. F., F. Mulindahabi, M. Masozera, J. D. Nichols, J. E. Hines, E. Turikunkiko, and M. K. Oli. 2018. Are ranger patrols effective in reducing poaching-related threats in protected areas? Journal of Applied Ecology 55:99–107. pdf
Karelus, D. L., J. W. McCown, B. K. Scheick, M. van de Kerk, B. M. Bolker, and M. K. Oli. 2017. Effects of environmental factors and landscape features on movement patterns of Florida black bears. Journal of Mammalogy 98:1463–1478. pdf
McGrady, M. J., W. A. Al-Fazari, M. H. Al-Jahdhani, M. A. C. Nicoll and M. K. Oli. 2017. Sooty Falcon Falco concolor reproduction and population dynamics on the islands in the Sea of Oman. Ibis 159:828-840. pdf
Oli, M. K., W.J. Loughry, H. Caswell, C. Perez-Heydrich, C. M. McDonough, R. W. Truman. 2017. Dynamics of leprosy in nine-banded armadillos: Net reproductive number and effects on host population dynamics. Ecological Modelling 350:100–108.pdf
Ashraf, N., M. Anwar, M. K. Oli, W. E. Pine, M. Sarwar, I. Hussain, M. S. Awan. 2017. Seasonal variation in the diet of the grey goral (Naemorhedus goral) in Machiara National Park (MNP), Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan. Mammalia 81:235-244. pdf
McGrady, J. E. Hines, C. Rollie, G. D. Smith, E. R. Morton, J. F. Moore, R. M. Mearns, I. Newton, O. E. Murillo-García and M. K. Oli. 2017. Territory occupancy and breeding success of Peregrine Falcons Falco peregrinus at various stages of population recovery. Ibis 159:285-296. pdf
van Benthem, K. J., H. Froy, T. Coulson, L. L. Getz, M. Oli, A. Ozgul. 2017. Trait–demography relationships underlying small mammal population fluctuations. Journal of Animal Ecology 86:348-358.
Perez-Heydrich, C., W. J. Loughry, C. D. Anderson, and M. K. Oli. 2016. Patterns of Mycobacterium leprae exposure in wild nine-banded armadillos. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 52:524:532. pdf
Newton, I., M. J. McGrady and M. K. Oli. 2016. A review of survival estimates for raptors and owls. Ibis 158:227-248. pdf
Moore, J. F., C. P. Wells, D. H. Van Vuren, and M. K. Oli. 2016. Who pays? Intra- vs. inter- generational costs of reproduction. Ecosphere 7:e01236.
Selby, T. H., K. M. Hart, I. Fujisaki, B. J. Smith, C. J. Pollock, Z. Hillis-Starr, I. Lundgren, and M. K. Oli 2016. Can you hear me now? Range-testing a submerged passive acoustic receiver array in a Caribbean coral reef habitat. Ecology and Evolution 6:4823-4835.
Karelus, D. L., J. W. McCown, B. K. Scheick, M. van de Kerk, and M. K. Oli. 2016. Home ranges and habitat selection by black bears in a newly colonized population in Florida. Southeastern Naturalist 15:346-364.
Ashraf, N., M. Anwar, M. K. Oli, W. E. Pine, M. Sarwar, I. Hussain, M. S. Awan. 2016. Seasonal variation in the diet of the grey goral (Naemorhedus goral) in Machiara National Park (MNP), Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan. Mammalia (in press).
Perez-Heydrich, C., W. J. Loughry, C. D. Anderson, and M. K. Oli. 2016. Patterns of Mycobacterium leprae exposure in wild nine-banded armadillos. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 52:524:532
Dodd, C. K., V. Rolland, and M. K. Oli. 2016. Consequences of individual removal on persistence of a protected population of long-lived turtles. Animal Conservation 19:369-379.
McGrady, M. J., W. A. Fazari, M. D. Jahdham, J. E. Hines and M. K. Oli. 2016. Survival of Sooty falcons (Falco concolor) breeding in Oman. Journal of Ornithology 157:427-437.
Goswami, V. R., K. Medhi, J. D. Nichols, and M. K. Oli. 2015. Dynamic occupancy models provide a mechanistic understanding of human–wildlife conflict. Conservation Biology 29:1100-1110.
van de Kerk, M., D. P. Onorato, M. A. Criffield, B. M. Bolker, B. C. Augustine, S. A. Mckinley, and M. K. Oli. 2015. Hidden semi-Markov models reveal multiphasic movement of the endangered Florida panther. Journal of Animal Ecology 84:576-585.
Maldonado-Chaparro, A, J. G.A. Martin, K. B. Armitage, M. K. Oli and D. T. Blumstein. 2015. Environmentally induced phenotypic variation in wild yellow-bellied marmots. Journal of Mammalogy 96:269-278.
Humphrey, H. R. and M. K. Oli. 2015. Population dynamics of the cave bat, Myotis velifer, in Oklahoma. Journal of Mammalogy 96:946-956.
Smith, G. D., O. E. Murillo-García, J. A. Hostetler, R. Mearns, C. Rollie, I. Newton, M. J. McGrady, and M. K. Oli. 2015. Demography of population recovery: survival and fidelity of peregrine falcons at various stages of population recover. Oecologia 178:391-401.
Goswami, V. R., S. Sridhara, K. Medhi, A. C. Williams, R. Chellam, and M. K. Oli. 2014. Community-managed forests and wildlife-friendly agriculture play a subsidiary but not substitutive role to protected areas for the endangered Asian elephant. Biological Conservation 177:74-81.
Goswami, V. R., D. Vasudev and M. K. Oli. 2014. The importance of conflict-induced mortality for conservation planning in areas of human-elephant co-occurrence. Biological Conservation 176:191-198.
Oli, M. K. 2014. Penguins in peril. Nature Climate Change. 4:667-668.
Troyer, E. M., S. E. Cameron Devitt, M. E. Sunquist, V. R. Goswami, and M. K. Oli. 2014. Survival, recruitment, and population growth rate of an important mesopredator: the northern raccoon. PLOS ONE, e98535.
Troyer, E. M., S. E. Cameron Devitt, M. E. Sunquist, V. R. Goswami, and M. K. Oli. 2014. Density dependence or climatic variation? Factors influencing survival, recruitment, and population growth rate of Virginia opossums. Journal of Mammology 95:421–430.
McCleery, R., J. A. Hostetler, and M. K. Oli. 2014. Better off in the wild? Evaluating a captive breeding and release program for the recovery of an endangered rodent. Biological Conservation 169:198-205.
Garrott, R. A. and M. K. Oli. 2013. A critical crossroad for BLM’s wild horse program. Science 34:847-8488.
Sæther, B. E., T. Coulson, V. Grøtan, S. Engen, R. Altwegg, K. B. Armitage, C. Barbraud, P. H. Becker, D. T. Blumstein, F. S. Dobson, M. Festa-Bianchet, J-M. Gaillard, A. Jenkins, C. Jones, M. A. C. Nicoll, K. Norris, M. K. Oli, A. Ozgul , H.Weimerskirch. 2013. How life history influences population dynamics in fluctuating environments. American Naturalist 182:743-759.
McCleery, R., M. K. Oli, J. A. Hostetler, B. Karmacharya, D. Greene, C. Winchester, J. Gore, S. Sneckenberger, S. B. Castleberry, M. T. Mengak. 2013. Predation-driven declines of an endangered mammal? Implications for a captive-breeding-release program. Journal of Zoology (London) 291:59-68.
Loughry, W. J., C. Perez-Heydrich, C. M. McDonough and M. K. Oli. 2013. Population Dynamics and Range Expansion in Nine-banded Armadillos. PLoS ONE 8:e68311.
Karmacharya, B., J. A. Hostetler, L. M. Conner, G. Morris and M. K. Oli. 2013. The influence of mammalian predator exclusion, food supplementation and prescribed fire on survival of the southern flying squirrel in a longleaf pine ecosystem. Journal of Mammalogy 94:672-682.
Loughry, W. J., C. Perez-Heydrich, C. M. McDonough and M. K. Oli. 2013. Population ecology of the nine-banded armadillo in Florida. Journal of Mammalogy 94:408-416.
Engen, S., B-E Saether, K. B. Armitage, D. T. Blumstein, T. H. Clutton-Brock, T. Coulson, F. S. Dobson, M. Festa-Bianchet, M. K. Oli, A. Ozgul. 2013. The demography of density-independent age-structured populations in temporarily autocorrelated environments. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4:573-584.
McGuire, B. A., L. L. Getz, W. Bemis and M. K. Oli. 2013. Social dynamics and dispersal of free-living prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster). Journal of Mammalogy 94:40-49.
Hostetler, J. A., D. P. Onorato, D. Jansen and M. K. Oli. 2012. A cat’s tale: the impact of genetic restoration on Florida panther population dynamics and persistence. Journal of Animal Ecology 82:608-620.
Tucker, K. P., M. K. Hunter, R. K. Bonde, J. D. Austin, A. M. Clark, C. A. Beck, P. M. McGuire and M. K. Oli. 2012. Low genetic diversity and minimal population substructure in the endangered Florida manatee: implications for conservation. Journal of Mammalogy 93:1504–1511. (cover article)
Garrison, E. P., J. W. McCown, M. A. Barret and M. K. Oli. 2012. Denning ecology of the Florida black bears. Southeastern Naturalist.. 11:517–528.
Dodd, C. K., N. L. Hyslop and M. K. Oli. 2012. Disturbance events, longevity, and the long-term abundance of a terrestrial turtle, Terrapene carolina bauri. Chelonian Biology and Conservation 11:44-49.
Hostetler, J. A., E. Kneip, D. H. Van Vuren and M. K. Oli. 2012. Stochastic population dynamics of a montane ground-dwelling squirrel. PLoS One 7:e34379.
Nomani, S.Z., R.R. Carthy, and M.K. Oli. 2012. Line transects by design: The influence of study design, spatial distribution and density of objects on estimates of abundance. The Open Ecology Journal 5:25-44.
Karmacharya, B., J. A. Hostetler, L. M. Conner, G. Morris and M. K. Oli. 2012. Longleaf pine management practices and their impact on small mammal populations. Forest Ecology and Management 271:140-146.
Perez-Heydrich, C., M. K. Oli and M. B. Brown. 2011. Population-level influence of a recurring disease on a long-lived wildlife host. Oikos 121:377-388.
Hostetler, J. A., D. P. Onorato, B. M. Bolker, W. E. Johnson, M. E. Roelke, S. J. O’Brien, D. Jansen, and M. K. Oli. 2011. Does genetic introgression improve female reproductive performance? A test on the endangered Florida panther. Oecologia 168:289-300.
Hyslop, N. L., D. J. Stevenson, J. Macey, L. Carlile, C. L. Jenkins, J. A. Hostetler, and M. K. Oli. 2011. Survival and population growth of a long-lived threatened snake species, Drymarchon couperi (Eastern Indigo Snake). Population Ecology 54:145-156.
Rolland, V. J. A. Hostetler, T. C. Hines, F. A. Johnson, H. F. Percival and M. K. Oli. 2011. Harvest, weather and population dynamics of northern bobwhites in south Florida. Wildlife Research 38:396-407.
Morris, G., J. A. Hostetler, L. M. Conner, and M. K. Oli. 2011. Effects of predation, fire, and supplemental feeding on populations of two species of Peromyscus mice. Journal of Mammalogy 92:934-944.
Goswami, V. R., Lowell L. Getz, J. A. Hostetler, A. Ozgul, and M. K. Oli. 2011. Synergistic influences of phase, density and climatic variation on the dynamics of fluctuating populations. Ecology 92:1680-1690.
Benson, J. F., J. A. Hostetler (co-lead authors), D. P. Onorato, W. E. Johnson, M. E. Roelke, S. J. O’Brien, D. Jansen, M. K. Oli. 2011. Intentional genetic introgression improves survival of F1 adults and sub-adults in a small, inbred felid population. Journal of Animal Ecology 80:958-967.
Morris, G., J. A. Hostetler, L. M. Conner, and M. K. Oli. 2011. Effects of prescribed fire, supplemental feeding, and mammalian predator exclusion on hispid cotton rat populations. Oecologia 167:1005-1016.
Morris, G., L. M. Conner, and M. K. Oli. 2011. Effects of mammalian predator exclusion and supplemental feeding on hispid cotton rat space use. Journal of Mammalogy 92:583-589.
Rolland, V., J. A. Hostetler, T. C. Hines, H. F. Percival and M. K. Oli. 2011. Reproductive parameters in a northern bobwhite population in south Florida. European Journal of Wildlife Research 57:717-727.
Armitage, K. B., D. H. Van Vuren, A. Ozgul, and M. K. Oli. 2011. Proximate causes of dispersal in yellow-bellied marmots Marmota flaviventris. Ecology 92:218-227.
Kneip, E, D. H. Van Vuren, J. A. Hostetler, and M. K. Oli. 2011. Relative influence of population density, climate, and predation on the demography of a subalpine species. Journal of Mammalogy 92:367-377.
Singh, A., T. C. Hines, J. A. Hostetler, H. F. Percival, and M. K. Oli. 2011. Patterns of Space and Habitat Use by Northern Bobwhites in South Florida, USA. European Journal of Wildlife Research 57:15–26.
Ozgul, A., D. Z. Childs, M. K. Oli, K. B. Armitage, D. T. Blumstein, L. E. Olson, S. Tuljapurkar, and T. Coulson. 2010. Coupled dynamics of body mass and population growth in response to environmental change. Nature 466:482:485 (Cover article).
Johnson, W. E., D. P. Onorato, M. Roelke, E. D. Land, M. Cunningham, C. Belden, R.McBride, D. Jansen, M. Lotz, D. Shindle, J. Howard, D. E. Wildt, L. M. Penfold, J. A. Hostetler, M. K. Oli, and S. J. O’Brien. 2010. Genetic restoration of the Florida panther. Science 329:1641-1645.
Rolland, V. J. A. Hostetler, T. C. Hines, H. F. Percival and M. K. Oli. 2010. Impact of harvest on survival of a heavily hunted game bird population. Wildlife Research 37:392–400.
Hostetler, J. A., D. P. Onorato, J. D. Nichols, W. E. Johnson, M. E. Roelke, S. J. O’Brien, D. Jansen, and M. K. Oli. 2010. Genetic introgression and the survival of Florida panther kittens. Biological Conservation 143:2789-2796.
Rolland, V. J. A. Hostetler, T. C. Hines, H. F. Percival and M. K. Oli. 2010. Impact of harvest on survival of a heavily hunted game bird population. Wildlife Research 37:392–400.
Singh, A., T. C. Hines, H. F. Percival, and M. K. Oli. 2010. Does nest-site selection influence bobwhite nesting success in south Florida. Wildlife Research 37:489-496.
Morris, G., L. M. Conner, and M. K. Oli. 2010. Use of supplemental quail food by non-target species. Florida Field Naturalist 38:99-105.
Wendland, L. D., J. Wooding, C. L. White, D. Demcovitz1, R. Littell, J. Diemer Berish, A. Ozgul, M. K. Oli, P. A. Klein, M. C. Christman, and M. B. Brown. 2010. Social behavior drives the dynamics of respiratory disease in threatened tortoises. Ecology 91: 1257-1262 (Cover article).
Aaltonen, K. A., A. B. Bryant, J. A. Hostetler, and M. K. Oli. 2009. Reintroducing endangered Vancouver island marmots: survival and cause-specific mortality rates of captive-born versus wild-born individuals. Biological Conservation 142:2181-2190.
Hostetler, J. A., J. W. McCown, E. P. Garrison, A. M. Neils, M. E. Sunquist, S. L. Simek, and M. K. Oli. 2009. Demographic consequences of habitat fragmentation: Florida black bears in North Central Florida. Biological Conservation 142:2456-2463.
McGuire, B., M. K. Oli, and L. L. Getz. 2009. Effects of conspecific and heterospecific residents on patterns of immigration in two species of voles. Acta Theriologica 54:321-332.
Ozgul, A., M. K. Oli, K. B. Armitage, D. T. Blumstein, D. H. VanVuren. 2009. Influence of local demography on asymptotic and transient dynamics of a yellow-bellied marmot metapopulation. American Naturalist 173:517-530.
Ozgul, A., M. K. Oli , B. Bolker , C. Perez-Heydrich. 2009. Upper respiratory tract disease, force of infection, and effects on survival of gopher tortoises. Ecological Applications 19:786-798.
Dobson, F. S and M.K. Oli. 2008. The life histories of orders of mammals: Fast and slow breeding. Current Science 95:862-865.
Martin, J, W. M. Kitchens, C. E. Cattu, and M. K. Oli. 2008. Exploring the relative importance of natural disturbances and habitat degradation on Snail Kite population dynamics. Endangered Species Research 6:25-39.
Oli, M. K., and K. B. Armitage. 2008. Indirect fitness benefits do not compensate for the loss of direct fitness in yellow-bellied marmots. Journal of Mammalogy 89:874-881.
Jones, O. R. J-M. Gaillard, S. Tuljapurkar, J. S. Alho, K. B. Armitage, P. H. Becker, P. Bize, J. Brommer, A. Charmantier, M. Charpentier, T. Clutton-Brock, F. S. Dobson, M. Festa-Bianchet, L. Gustafsson, H. Jensen, C. G. Jones, B. G. Lillandt, R. McCleery, J. Merilä, P. Neuhaus, M. A. C. Nicoll, K. Norris, M. K. Oli, J. Pemberton, H. Pietiäinen, T. H. Ringsby, A. Roulin, B. E. Saether, J. M Setchell, B. C. Sheldon, P. M. Thompson, H. Weimerskirch, E. J. Wickings, T. Coulson. 2008. Senescence rates are determined by ranking on the fast-slow life-history continuum. Ecology Letters 11:1-10.
Borrego, N., A. Ozgul, K. B. Armitage, D. T. Blumstein, and M. K. Oli. 2008. Spatiotemporal variation in survival of male yellow-bellied marmots. Journal of Mammalogy 89:365-373.
Moyer, M. A., J. W. McCown, and M. K. Oli. 2008. Scale-dependent habitat selection by female Florida black bears in Ocala National Forest, Florida. Southeastern Naturalist 7:111-124.
Nomani, S. Z., R. R. Carthy, and M. K. Oli. 2008. Comparison of methods for estimating abundance of gopher tortoises. Applied Herpetology 5:13-31.
Ozgul, A. M. K. Oli, L. E. Olson, D. T. Blumstein, and K. B. Armitage.2007. Spatiotemporal variation in reproductive parameters of yellow-bellied marmots. Oecologia 154:95-106.
Dobson, F. S., and M. K. Oli. 2007. Fast-slow life histories of mammals. Ecoscience 14:292-299.
Garrison, E. P., J. W. McCown, and M. K. Oli. 2007. Reproductive ecology and cub survival of Florida black bears. Journal of Wildlife Management 71:720-727.
Dixon, J. D., M. K. Oli, M. C. Wooten, T. H. Eason, J. W. McCown, and M. W. Cunningham. 2007. Genetic consequences of habitat fragmentation and loss: the case of the Florida black bear (Ursus americanus floridanus). Conservation Genetics 8:455-464.
Getz, L. L., J. E. Hofmann, M. K. Oli, and B. McGuire. 2007. Vole population dynamics: influence of weather extremes on stoppage of population growth. American Midland Naturalist 158:461-466.
Getz, L. L., M. K. Oli, J. E. Hofmann, and B. McGuire. 2007. Demography of fluctuating prairie vole populations: comparison of demographic variables among phases of fluctuations. Acta Theriologica 52: 291-298.
Getz, L. L., M. K. Oli, J. E. Hofmann, and B. McGuire. 2007. Vole population dynamics: factors affecting peak densities and amplitudes of annual Microtus pennsylvanicus population fluctuations. Acta Theriologica 52:468-476.
Getz, L. L., A. Ozgul, M. K. Oli, J. E. Hofmann, and B. McGuire. 2007.Dynamics of vole populations: influence of interspecific competition. Acta Theriologica Sinica 53:800-811.
Moyer, M. A., J. W. McCown, and M. K. Oli. 2007. Factors influencing home range size of female of Florida black bears. Journal of Mammalogy 88:468-476.
Ozgul, A., K. B. Armitage, D. T. Blumstein, and M. K. Oli. 2006. Spatiotemporal variation in age_specific survival rates: implications for population dynamics of the yellow-bellied marmot. Ecology 87:1027-1037.
Stahl, J. T., and M. K. Oli. 2006 Relative importance of avian life-history variables to population growth rate. Ecological Modelling 198:183-194.
Dodd, C. K., A. Ozgul, and M. K. Oli. 2006. The influence of disturbance events on the survival and dispersal rates of Florida Box turtles. Ecological Applications 16:1936-1944.
Oli, M. K., M. Venkataraman., P. A. Klein, L. D. Wendland, and M. B. Brown. 2006. Population dynamics of infectious diseases: a discrete time model. Ecological Modelling 198:183:194.
Getz, L. L., Arpat Ozgul, M. K. Oli, J. E. Hofmann, and B. McGuire. 2006. Dynamics of sympatric vole populations: influence of food resources. Acta Theoriologica Sinica 26:114-122.
Dixon, J. D., M. K. Oli, M. C. Wooten, T. H. Eason, J. W. McCown, and D. Paetkau. 2006. Evaluating the effectiveness of a regional corridor for the Florida black bear. Conservation Biology 20:155-162.
Ozgul, A., K. B. Armitage, D. T. Blumstein, D. H. VanVuren, and M. K. Oli. 2006. Effects of patch quality and network structure on patch occupancy dynamics of a yellow-bellied marmot metapopulation. Journal of Animal Ecology 75:191-202.
Ozgul, A., K. B. Armitage, D. T. Blumstein, and M. K. Oli. 2006. Spatiotemporal variation in age-specific survival rates: implications for population dynamics of the yellow-bellied marmot. Ecology 87:1027-1037.
Moyer, M. A., J. W. McCown, T. H. Eason, and M. K. Oli. 2006. Does genetic relatedness influence space use pattern? A test on Florida black bears. Journal of Mammalogy 87:255-261.
Oli, M. K., and B. Zinner. 2001. Partial life cycle analysis: a model for pre-breeding census data. Oikos, 93:376-387. pdf
Oli, M. K., and F. S. Dobson. 2001. Population cycles in small mammals: the α hypothesis. Journal of Mammalogy, 82:573-581.
Oli, M. K., N. H. Holler, and M. C. Wooten. 2001. Viability analysis of Gulf Coast beach mice (Peromyscus polionotus) populations. Biological Conservation, 97:107-118.
Howard G, V. J. Howard, C. R. Katholi, M. K. Oli, and S. Houston 2001. The decline in stroke mortality: an analysis of temporal patterns by sex, race and geographic region. Stroke, 32:2213-2220.
Oli, M. K. 1999. The Chitty effect: A consequence of dynamic energy allocation in a fluctuating environment. Theoretical Population Biology, 56:293-300.
Oli, M. K., and F. S. Dobson. 1999. Population cycles in small mammals: the role of age at sexual maturity. Oikos, 86:557-565.
Oli, M. K. 1997. Winter home range of snow leopards in Nepal. Mammalia, 61:355-360.
Oli, M. K., H. A. Jacobson, and B. D. Leopold. 1997. Denning ecology of black bears at White River National Wildlife Refuge, Arkansas. Journal of Wildlife Management, 61:700-706.
Oli, M. K. 1996. Seasonal patterns in the habitat use of blue sheep Pseudois nayaur (Artiodactyla, Bovidae) in Nepal. Mammalia, 60:187-193.
White, T. H., M. K. Oli, B. D. Leopold, and H. A. Jacobson. 1996. Field evaluation of Telazol and Ketamine-Xylazine for immobilizing black bears. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 24:521-527.
Oli, M. K., and M. E. Rogers. 1996. Group size and population composition of blue sheep in Nepal. Journal of Wildlife Management, 60:797-801.
Oli, M. K., and H. A. Jacobson. 1995. Vocalization of barking deer (Muntiacus muntjak) in Nepal. Mammalia 59:179-86.
Oli, M. K. 1994. Snow leopards and blue sheep in Nepal: Densities and predator-prey ratio. Journal of Mammalogy 75:998-1004.
Oli, M. K., I. R. Taylor, and M. E. Rogers. 1994. Snow leopard (Panthera uncia) predation of livestock: an assessment of local perceptions in the Annapurna Conservation Area, Nepal. Biological Conservation 68:63-68.
Oli, M. K., I. R. Taylor, and M. E. Rogers. 1993. Diet of the snow leopard (Panthera uncia) in the Annapurna Conservation Area, Nepal. Journal of Zoology (London) 231:367-370.
Oli, M. K. 1993. A key for the identification of the hair of mammals of a snow leopard (Panthera uncia) habitat in Nepal. Journal of Zoology (London) 231:71-93.
Book chapters/non-journal articles
- Oli, M. K., C. J. Krebs, A. J. Keney, R. Boonstra, S. Boutin and J. Hines. 2020. Demography of snowshoe hare cycles in Canada’s boreal forests (photo gallery). Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 101(2):e01678.
- Oli, M. K., and T. Coulson. 2016. Life History, What is? In: Kliman, R.M. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Biology. vol. 2, pp. 394–399. Oxford: Academic Press.
- Oli, M. K., T. Tempa, T. Wangchuk, and L. S. Mills. 2014. Monitoring wildlife populations: Presence, abundance and trends in remote mountainous landscapes. Pages 12-43 in: L. S. Mills, T. Tempa, and E. Cheng (editors), Wildlife research techniques in rugged mountainous Asian landscapes. Ugyan Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environment, Bumthang, Bhutan.
- Dobson, F. S. and M. K. Oli. 2007. Fast and slow life histories of rodents. In: Rodent societies (J. Wolff and P. Sherman, eds.), pp. 99-105. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Il.
- Wegge, P., and M. K. Oli. 1997. Country report for Nepal. Pages 231-239, in: D. Shackleton (Editor), Status survey and conservation action plan for Caprinae: Wild sheep and goats and their relatives. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN), Gland, Switzerland.
- Oli, M. K.1997. Battered bruins. Wildlife Conservation, 100(6):22-29 (Cover article).
- Oli, M. K. 1994. Snow leopards and a local human population in a protected area - a case study from the Nepalese Himalaya. Pages 51-64, in: J. L. Fox and J. Du (Eds.), Proceedings of the Seventh International Snow Leopard Symposium. International Snow Leopard Trust, Seattle, and the Chicago Zoological Society, Chicago, IL.
- Oli, M. K. 1993. Snow cats. Wildlife Conservation, 96:38-43 (Feature article).
- Oli, M. K. 1994. Ghost in the snow. BBC Wildlife 12:30-35 (Cover article).