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Wildlife Ecology and Conservation department

Wildlife Ecology and Conservation department

Student Organizations

The Student Chapter of the Wildlife Society

The University of Florida Student Chapter of The Wildlife Society is affiliated with The Wildlife Society, Inc, the Southeastern Section, and the State Chapter, which are part of the network for the professional society for wildlife biologists.

The Wildlife Graduate Student Association

The WGSA is the WEC graduate student run organization that represents graduate students interests. WGSA acts as a liason between departmental and university personal and is responsible for graduate student travel grants, graduate student invited speakers, and more.

Florida Wildlife Disease Association Student Chapter


The Wildlife Disease Association is an organization that seeks to acquire, disseminate, and apply knowledge of the health and diseases of wild animals in relation to their biology, conservation, and interactions with humans and domestic animals. It is founded on the principles of One Health and conservation, and is made up of members from a variety of backgrounds, including veterinary medicine, ecology, wildlife conservation, public health experts, and zoo and aquarium staff. We seek to create an organization here at UF that encompasses these disciplines and offers new opportunities to young professionals in the field.

Student Activities database

Find other UF student organizations through the online database provided by the Student Acitivities Office, 3rd flloor, J.W. Reitz Union.