Timeline of Events and Submission of Documents For WEC Ph.D. Students
Individual Development Plan (IDP form) - milestone implemented in the Student Information System (SIS) to support doctoral students and requires Ph.D. programs to update the meeting date within the reporting period of September 15 to August 23 each academic year. Please refer to the IDP Policy for additional information and FAQs.
Students starting their first term in the Spring or Summer semester may have data entered within their first full reporting period (i.e., anytime between September 15 and August 23 after their first term). For all continuing students, the milestone must be updated by August 23 each year.
Please complete the form, meet with your graduate advisor to discuss your plan, and email the last page signed and dated by you and your advisor to Michael Dial in WEC Student Services.
IDP templates for Year 1 and Year 2-4 are found here: Ph.D. IDP-Year-1-Template, Ph.D. IDP-Year-2-4-Template.
- Transfer of credits from previous MS graduate program- processed by WEC Student Services.
- Form your Supervisory Committee. Complete and sign the Appointment of Supervisory Committee form and submit it to Ivette Hernández in WEC Student Services.
- Complete a Form 2 Proposed Schedule of Courses and submit it to WEC Student Services.
Forms are found here: WEC Graduate Forms - Develop Research Proposal for dissertation.
- Register for WIS 6933
- YEAR 2-3
- Qualifying Examination - see instructions here: Qualifying Exam Instruction Sheet
- WEC Graduate Exam physical presence policy
- For guidelines and advice about the Qualifying Exam, please review pages 36-41 of the WEC Grad Handbook for Thesis and Dissertation.
- Check with your advisor to ensure that you are on track to complete all Ph.D. requirements: see the Summary of Ph.D. Degree Credit Requirements section of the WEC Grad Student Handbook (pages 21-23) for more information.
- Contact the WEC Seminar Coordinators to schedule your Exit Seminar as part of the WEC Seminar Series (Fall or Spring semesters).
- Confirm that all members of your Supervisory Committee are correctly identified and titled on GIMS. Notify WEC Student Services immediately of any errors.
- WEC Ph.D. Final Semester Instructions: Ph.D. Student Final Semester Instructions
- WEC Graduate Exam physical presence policy
- Review critical deadlines and Doctoral Checklist:
ETD https://grad.ufl.edu/academics/editorial/etd-dates/
Graduate School Calendar: https://gradcatalog.ufl.edu/graduate/calendar/
Graduate School Doctoral Checklist: https://aec.ifas.ufl.edu/media/aecifasufledu/formsdocs/graduate/Graduation-Checklist-PhD.docx
Graduate Students
- Graduate Program Overview
- Admission Requirements
- Application Process
- Tuition, Fees, and Residency
- Financial Aid and Fellowships
- Certificates
- Graduate Course Listing
- Study Abroad Courses
- Forms
- PhD Student Timeline
- MS *(Thesis) Student Timeline
- MS *(Non-Thesis) Student Timeline
- Graduate Handbook
- Student Organizations
- Computer Policy & Guidelines
- Job Opportunities
- Online Resources
- Travel Grant Opportunities
Outside Resources