The payroll section includes time reporting instructions, important time card dates, and holiday dates.
WEC Time Reporting Instructions
The UF work week is Friday through Thursday. You are paid on a bi-weekly basis. Pay period dates and due dates can be found below.
Read carefully:
- It is your responsibility to enter your time online each pay period by the deadlines posted below.
- You are authorized to work hours for the FTE established by your faculty supervisor. You are never authorized to work over 40 hours each week unless preapproved by your faculty supervisor.
- Let your supervisor know when you near the 40 hour mark in case schedule adjustments need to be made.
- To facilitate the faculty member approving your time, it is possible the faculty member may establish times you should have your time entered online throughout the pay period.
- At the very least you must enter your time online no later than the Tuesday before the pay period ends. Project your hours to be worked through the last day of the pay period and if necessary, enter changes later should they occur. If you make a change to your time on the last day of the pay period, inform your supervisor to be sure your time is approved.
- Mark your calendars with a reminder. A email reminder will be sent the second week of the pay period. However, it is your responsibility to enter your time even if you do not get the reminder.
- Help but don't hound your faculty supervisor to be sure your time is approved. Let them know when your time is entered. Reminders are sent to supervisors also.
- Go to Payroll and Compensation in myUFL to check your pay on Monday before pay day. Contact the WEC Personnel Office immediately if you see a problem with your pay check.
Instruction Guide: Entering Time: Non-Exempt Temporary Employees (OPS) - (WEC does NOT use Web Clock)