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Wildlife Ecology and Conservation department

Wildlife Ecology and Conservation department



Jacobson, S.K., M. McDuff, and M. Monroe. (2015). Conservation Education and Outreach Techniques, 2nd Edition. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. 428 pp.

Jacobson, S.K. (2009). Communication Skills for Conservation Professionals (2nd ed.). Washington, DC: Island Press. 461 pp.

Jacobson, S.K., M. McDuff, and M. Monroe. (2006). Conservation Education and Outreach Techniques. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. 460 pp.

Jacobson, S.K. (2001). Training with the Environment: Soldiers Handbook (2nd ed.). Camp Blanding Training Site: Florida Army National Guard Publication. 43 pp.

Jacobson, S.K. (1999). Communication Skills for Conservation Professionals. Washington, DC: Island Press. 358 pp.

Jacobson, S.K. (1999). Training with the Environment: Soldiers Handbook. Camp Blanding Training Site: Florida Army National Guard Publication. 42 pp.

Jacobson, S.K. (1996). Guide to Kinabalu Park, 2nd Edition. Sabah Parks Publication No. 7. Sdn. Bhd. Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia: Natural History Publications. 66 pp.

Jacobson, S.K. (Ed.). (1995). Conserving Wildlife: International Education and Communication Approaches. New York, NY: Columbia University Press. 302 pp.

Jacobson, S.K. (1992). The Bay Islands: Nature and People. Miami, FL: Colonial Press International. 66 pp.

Donaho, R., L. Haagen, T. Humble, S.K. Jacobson, and W. Atwill. (Eds.). (1987). Advanced Placement Course in English Language and Composition. Durham, NC: Duke University Publication. 335 pp.

Refereed Journal Articles and Book Chapters

Maynard, L.*, Adams, A.E., Jacobson, S.K., Monroe, M.C., (2021). Evaluating Organizational Identity of Zoos to Enhance Conservation, Curator: The Museum Journal. 64(3): 549-565 DOI: 10.1111/cura.12412

Brown, H.O.*, Jacobson, S.K., Cockrell, M., Sutt, J., Allen, K., Copeland, A. (2021). A Five-Step Stakeholder Communication Plan for More Effective Natural Resource Management. The Journal of Extension. 59(4): Article 6.

Brown, Hannah O*.; Jacobson, S.K.; and Israel, G. (2020) "Catastrophe and Environmental Restoration: Analyzing the Frames and Sources of Oyster Restoration News Stories," Journal of Applied Communications: Vol. 104: Iss. 4.

Maynard, L.,* McCarty, C. Jacobson, S.K., Monroe, M. (2020). Conservation Networks: Are zoos leading or competing through partnerships? Environmental Conservation, 47(3), 166-173.

Maynard, L.,* Jacobson, S.K., Monroe, M., Savage, A. (2020). Mission impossible or Mission Accomplished? Do zoos’ organizational missions influence their conservation practices? Zoo Biology, 39(5), 304-314.

Maynard, L.,* Monroe, M., Jacobson, S.K., Savage, A. (2020). Maximizing biodiversity conservation through behavior change. Conservation Science and Practice, 2(6), e193.
Morales, N.H. and Jacobson, S.K. (2020). Student Perceptions of Environmental and Conservation (EC) Careers: Exploring Perspectives of Diverse University Students. Doi: 10.1007/s00267-020-01304-6.

Jacobson, S.K., Brown, H.*, and B. Lowe*. (2020) Communications and Outreach. In N. Silvy (Ed.), Wildlife Techniques (8th edition). Baltimore, MA: John Hopkins University Press.

Brisbane, J.,* S.K. Jacobson, B. Pine (in review). Assessment of Student Knowledge and Attitudes about Wildlife in Dominica. Caribbean Journal of Science.

Jacobson, S.K., Seavey, J., Goodman, J., Nichols, O., Williams, L. Marquez-Garcia M., and Barbosa, O. (2019). Integrating entrepreneurship and art to improve creative problem solving in fisheries education. Fisheries. DOI:org/10.1002/fsh.10351

Jain, E., Jacobson, S.K., Raiturkar, P., Morales, N.A., Chen, B., Sivasubramanian, N., Chaturvedi, K., and Lee, A. (2019). Using audience physiology to assess engaging conservation messages and animal taxa.. Society and Natural Resources. 32(10): 1092-1098. DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2018.1556760

Lowe, B.S., Jacobson, S.K., Anold, H., Mbonde, A., and Lorenzen, K. (2019). The neglected role of religion in fisheries management. Fish and Fisheries, 20(5):1024-1033. DOI: 10.1111/faf.12388

Lowe, B.S., Jacobson, S.K., Anold, H., Mbonde, A., and O’Reilly, C.M. (2019). Adapting to change in inland fisheries: Analysis from Lake Tanganyika, East Africa. Regional Environmental Change, 19(6):1765-1776. DOI: 10.1007/s10113-019-01516-5

Maynard, L., and Jacobson, S. K. (2019). The influence of group maturity on community-based environmental management in Kenya. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 1-21.

Maynard, L., Jacobson, S. K., & Kamanga, J. (2019). Stakeholder collaboration: evaluating community-based conservancies in Kenya. Oryx, 1-8.
Marquez-Garcia M.,* S.K. Jacobson, O. Barbosa, (2019). Wine with a Bouquet of Biodiversity: Assessing Agricultural Adoption of Conservation Practices in Chile. Environmental Conservation. 46(1):34-42.

Márquez-García, M.* and S.K. Jacobson. (2019) Education and communication for biodiversity conservation and management. In: Cerda, C., Silva-Rodríguez, E. and Briceño, C. (Eds.), Nature in Society: A Look at the Human Dimensions of Biodiversity Conservation. Publisher Ocho Libros Ltda., Santiago, Chile.

Morales, N.* and S.K. Jacobson. (2019). Assessing natural resource internships: A social cognitive analysis of national diversity programs." Applied Environmental Education and Communication. 18(2)96-112

Jacobson, S.K., N.A. Morales,* B. Chen,* R. Soodeen,* M.P. Moulton and E. Jain. (2019). Love or Loss: Effective Message Framing to Promote Environmental Conservation. Applied Environmental Education and Communication. 18(3), 252-265. DOI: 10.1080/1533015X.2018.1456380.

Márquez-García, M.,* S.K. Jacobson and Barbosa, O. (2018). Evaluating biodiversity workshops in Chile: are farmers responding with conservation action?, Environmental Education Research, 24:12, 1669-1683, DOI: 10.1080/13504622.2018.1519065

Jacobson, S.K., N.A. Morales, B. Chen, R. Soodeen, M.P. Moulton and E. Jain. (2018). Love or Loss: Effective Message Framing to Promote Environmental Conservation. Applied Environmental Education and Communication. DOI: 10.1080/1533015X.2018.1456380.

Amit, R.* and S.K. Jacobson. (2018). Participatory Development of Incentives to Coexist with Jaguars and Pumas. Conservation Biology. DOI: 10.1111/cobi.13082

Anderson, C.*, and S.K. Jacobson. (2018). Barriers to environmental education: comparing teachers’ perceptions in rural Ecuador to global constraints. Environmental Education Research DOI: 10.1080/13504622.2018.1477120.

Roques, K., S.K. Jacobson, R. McCleery (2018). Assessing contributions of volunteer tourism to ecosystem research and conservation in southern Africa. Ecosystem Services Online publication complete: 1-FEB-2018 DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoser.2017.12.014

Montes, N., R. Swett, S.K. Jacobson, and C. Sidman. (2017). Factors Influencing Recreational Boaters’ Intentions to Comply with Right Whale Regulations in the Southeastern United States. Society and Natural Resources. DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2017.1377795.

Amit, R.* and Jacobson, S.K. (2017). Stakeholder barriers and benefits associated with improving livestock husbandry to prevent jaguar and puma depredation. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 22(3):246-266. DOI: 10.1080/10871209.2017.1303099.

Amit, R.* and Jacobson, S.K. (2017). Understanding rancher coexistence with jaguars and pumas: A typology for conservation practice. Biodiversity Conservation, 26:1353-1374.

Maynard L.* and S.K. Jacobson (2017): Stakeholder participation in wildlife management: Adapting the nominal group technique in developing countries for participants with low literacy. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 22(1):71-82. DOI: 10.1080/10871209.2016.1225139

Wald, D.M,* C.A. Lohr, C.A. Lepszyk, S.K. Jacobson, and L.J. Cox. (2016) A comparison of cat-related risk perception tolerance for outdoor cats in Florida and Hawaii. Conservation Biology, 30(6):1233-1244.

Salvatierra da Silva, D.,* S.K. Jacobson; M. Monroe; G. Israel. (2016). Using evaluability assessment to improve program evaluation for the Blue-Throated Macaw Environmental Education Project in Bolivia. Applied Environmental Education and Communication, 15(4):312-324. DOI: 10.1080/1533015X.2016.1237904.

Jacobson, S.K., Seavey, J. and R.C. Mueller.  (2016). Integrated Science and Art Education for Creative Climate Change Communication. Ecology and Society, 21(3):30-36  

Haynes, N.* and S.K. Jacobson. (2015). Barriers and Perceptions of Natural Resource Careers by Minority Students. Journal of Environmental Education, 46(3):166€“182.

Haynes, N.,* S.K. Jacobson, and D.M. Wald. (2015). A life cycle analysis of minority underrepresentation in natural resource field. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 39(2):228€“238.

Carlton, J.S.,* and S.K. Jacobson. (2015). Using expert and non expert models of climate change to enhance communication. Environmental Communication, 10(1):1-24. (

Jiménez, A., I. Iniesta-Arandia, M. Muñoz, B. Martín-López, S.K. Jacobson, and J. Benayas. (2014). Typology of public outreach for biodiversity conservation projects in Spain. Conservation Biology 28(3):829-840.

Jacobson, S.K., D.M. Wald,* N. Haynes,* and R. Sakurai.* (2014). Urban Wildlife Communication and Negotiation. In R. McCleery, C. Moorman, and N. Peterson (Eds.), Urban Wildlife Science: Theory and Practice. New York, NY: Springer Publishing.

Hartter, J., J. Solomon,* S.J. Ryan, S.K. Jacobson, and A. Goldman. (2014). Contrasting perceptions of ecosystem services of an African forest park. Environmental Conservation, 41(4):330-340.

Sakurai, R.,* S.K. Jacobson, N. Matsuda, and T. Maruyama. (2014). Assessing the impact of a wildlife education program on Japanese attitudes and behavioral intentions. Environmental Education Research. DOI: 10.1080/13504622.2014.898246

Sakurai, R., * S.K. Jacobson, and G. Ueda. (2014). Public perceptions of significant wildlife in Hyogo, Japan. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 19(1): 88-95.

Wald, D.M., and S.K. Jacobson. (2014). A multivariate model of stakeholder preference for lethal cat management. PLoS One 9(4): e93118. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0093118

Silvertown, J., C.D. Buesching, S.K. Jacobson, T. Rebelo. (2013). Citizen science and nature conservation. In D.W. MacDonald and K.J. Willis. (Eds.), Key Topics in Conservation Biology 2. UK: Wiley-Blackwell.

Browne-Nuñez, C., * S.K. Jacobson, and J.J. Vaske. (2013). Beliefs, attitudes, and intentions for allowing elephants in group ranches around Amboseli national park, Kenya. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 37(3):639-648.

Carlton, J.S.,* and S.K. Jacobson. (2013). Climate change and coastal environmental risk perceptions in Florida. Journal of Environmental Management, 130:32-39.

Sakurai, R.,* S.K. Jacobson, and J.S. Carlton.* (2013). Media coverage of management of the black bear Ursus thibetanus in Japan. Oryx, 47:519-525. 

Sakurai, R.,* S.K. Jacobson, and G. Ueda. (2013). Public perceptions of risk and government performance regarding bear management in Japan. Ursus, 24:70-82.

Sakurai, R.,* N. Matsuda, T. Maruyama, and S.K. Jacobson. (2013). Overview of the Model District Program for reducing human-wildlife conflicts in Tochigi Prefecture. Wildlife and Human Society,1:47-54. [In Japanese with English abstract].

Sakurai, R.,* G. Ueda, and S.K. Jacobson. (2013). Evaluation of the effectiveness of the community bear education seminar at Tajima region of Hyogo Prefecture: Change of participants’ awareness and behaviors after the seminar. Wildlife and Human Society, 1:29-37. [In Japanese with English abstract].

Wald, D.M.,* and S.K. Jacobson. (2013). Factors affecting student tolerance for free-roaming cats. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 18(4):263-278.

Wald, D.M.,* S.K. Jacobson, and J.K. Levy. (2013). Outdoor cats: Identifying differences between stakeholder beliefs, perceived impacts, risk and management. Biological Conservation, 167;414-424.

Carlton, J.S.,* and S.K. Jacobson. (2012). Assessing volunteer programs: Using the Net Benefits Index in natural resource agencies. International Journal of Volunteer Management, 29:42€“46.

Dotson, D.,* S.K. Jacobson, L.L. Kaid, and J.S. Carlton.* (2012). Media coverage of climate change in Chile: A content analysis of conservative and liberal newspapers. Environmental Communication, 6(1):64-81.

Jacobson, S.K. (2012). Communications and Outreach. In N. Silvy (Ed.), Wildlife Techniques (Vols. 2. 7th ed. pp. 21-42). Baltimore, MA: John Hopkins University Press.

Jacobson, S.K., J.S. Carlton,* and S.E. Cameron. (2012). Infusing the psychology of climate change into environmental curricula. Ecopsychology, 4(2):94-101.

Jacobson, S.K., J.S. Carlton,* and M.C. Monroe. (2012). Motivation and satisfaction of volunteers at a Florida natural resource agency. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 30:51€“67.

Jacobson, S.K., J.G. Collomb, and J.S. Carlton.* (2012). Human Dimensions of Conserving Wildlife and Sustaining Ecosystems. In J. Brawn, C. Meine, and S. Robinson (Eds.), Foundations of Conservation Biology. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.

Jacobson, S.K., C. Langin,* J.S. Carlton,* and L.L. Kaid. (2012). Content analysis of newspaper coverage of the Florida panther. Conservation Biology, 26(1):171-179.

Langin, C.,* and S.K. Jacobson. (2012). Risk and residency influences on public support for Florida panther recovery. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 36(4):713-721.

Sakurai, R.,* G. Ueda, and S.K. Jacobson. (2012). Effectiveness of the community bear education seminar: Conducting pre and post survey at Hidaka Town, Hyogo Prefecture. Kyosei Studies, 6(1):380-392. [In Japanese with English abstract].

Sakurai, R.,* G. Ueda, and S.K. Jacobson. (2012). Survey of residents regarding the Asiatic black bear at Tajima region of Hyogo Prefecture: Designing and conducting questionnaires for policy application and management interventions. Wildlife Conservation of Japan, 13(2):33-46. [In Japanese with English abstract].  

Santiago, E.,* and S.K. Jacobson. (2012). Human-wildlife conflict and environmental education: Evaluating a community program to protect the Andean Bear in Ecuador. The Journal of Environmental Education, 43(1):55-65.

Solomon, J.,* S.K. Jacobson, and I. Liu. (2012). Fishing for a solution: Can collaborative resource management reduce poverty and support conservation? Environmental Conservation, 39(1):51-61.

Sakurai, R.,* and S.K. Jacobson. (2011). Evaluation of the Monkey-Persimmon Environmental Education Program for reducing human-wildlife conflicts in Nagano, Japan. Applied Environmental Education and Communication, 10(1):43-51.

Sakurai, R.,* and S.K. Jacobson. (2011). Public perceptions of bears and management interventions in Japan. Human-Wildlife Interactions, 5(1):123-134.

Sakurai, R.,* S.K. Jacobson, H. Kobori, R. Primack, K. Oka, N. Komatsu, and R. Machida. (2011). Culture and climate change: Japanese cherry blossom festivals and stakeholders’ knowledge and attitudes about global climate change.Biological Conservation, 144(1):654-658.

Sakurai, R.,* G. Ueda, and S.K. Jacobson. (2011). Bears with various meanings recounted in the narratives of local residents: Interviews at Tajima region of Hyogo prefecture. Journal of Rural Planning, 30:399-404. [In Japanese with English abstract].

Morgan-Brown, T.,* S.K. Jacobson, K. Wald, and B. Child. (2010). Quantitative assessment of a Tanzanian integrated conservation and development project involving butterfly farming. Conservation Biology, 24:563-572.

Sakurai, R.,* and S.K. Jacobson. (2010). Assessing the effectiveness of the tailored design method for increasing response rates of mail surveys in Japan. Sociological Theory and Methods, 25(2):267-274.

Eadens, L.M.,* S.K. Jacobson, T.V. Stein, J.J. Confer, L. Gape, and M. Sweeting. (2009). Stakeholder mapping for recreation planning of a Bahamian national park. Society and Natural Resources, 22:111-127.

Jacobson, S.K. (2009). Effective primate conservation education: Gaps and opportunities. American Journal of Primatology, 71:1€“6.

Sakurai, R.,* and S.K. Jacobson. (2009). A review of public attitudes toward bears in Japan. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 14:224-226.

Jacobson, S.K., and M.D. McDuff. (2008). Communication as an Effective Management Strategy in a Diverse World. In M.J. Manfredo, J. J. Vaske, P. J. Brown, D. J. Decker, and E. A. Duke (Eds.), Wildlife and Society: The Science of Human Dimensions (pp. 301-314). Washington, DC: Island Press.

McDuff, M.D.,* G.S. Appelson,* S.K. Jacobson, and G.D. Israel. (2008). Watershed management in Florida: Public knowledge, attitudes, and information needs. Lake and Reservoir Management, 24, 47-56.

Engels, C.A.,* and S.K. Jacobson. (2007). Evaluating long-term effects of the Golden Lion Tamarin Environmental Education Program in Brazil. Journal of Environmental Education, 38(3):3-14.

Jacobson, S.K., M.D. McDuff, and M.C. Monroe. (2007). Promoting conservation through the arts: Outreach for hearts and minds. Conservation Biology, 21:7-10.

Morris, J.K.,* S.K. Jacobson, and R.O. Flamm. (2007). Lessons from an evaluation of a boater outreach program for manatee protection. Environmental Management, 40:596-602.

Solomon, J.,* S.K. Jacobson, K.D. Wald, and M. Gavin. (2007). Estimating illegal resource use at a Ugandan park with the randomized response technique. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 12:75-88. 

Jacobson, S.K., J. Morris,* J. Sanders, E. Wiley, M. Brooks, R. Bennetts, H. Percival, and S. Marynowski.* (2006). Understanding barriers to the implementation of an adaptive land management program. Conservation Biology, 30:1516-1527.

Masozera, M.K., J.R. Alavalapati, S.K. Jacobson, and R.K. Shrestha. (2006). Assessing the suitability of community-based management for the Nyungwe Forest Reserve, Rwanda. Forest Policy and Economics, 8:206-216.

Jacobson, S.K. (2005). Communication for Wildlife Professionals. In C. E. Braun (Ed.), Techniques for Wildlife Investigations and Management (6th ed. pp. 24-42). Bethesda, MD: The Wildlife Society. 

Jacobson, S.K. (2005). The Importance of Public Education for Biological Conservation. In M. J. Groom, G. K. Meffe, and C. R. Carroll (Eds.), Principles of Conservation Biology (pp. 681-683). Sunderland, MA: Sinuaer.

Jacobson, S.K., L. Gape, M. Sweeting, and T. Stein. (2005). Using a nominal group process to plan educational outreach for a Bahamas park. Applied Environmental Education and Communication, 4(4):305-316.

Monroe, M., and S.K. Jacobson. (2005). Professional Development for Natural Resource Education: Florida’s Wildland Fire Outreach Program. In B. Simmons (Ed.), Preparing Effective Environmental Educators (pp. 1-16). Washington, DC: NAAEE.

Mugisha, A.,* and S.K. Jacobson. (2004). Threat reduction assessment of conventional and community-based conservation approaches to managing protected areas in Uganda. Environmental Conservation, 31(3):177-189.

Jones, G.A., K.E. Sieving, and S.K. Jacobson (2005). Avian diversity and functional insectivory on north-central Florida farmlands. Conservation Biology, 19(4):1234€“1245

Aipanjiguly, S.,* S.K. Jacobson, and R. Flamm. (2003). Conserving manatees: Knowledge, attitudes, and intentions of boaters in Tampa Bay, Florida. Conservation Biology, 17(4):1098-1105.

Jacobson, S.K., K.S. Sieving, G. Jones, and A. Van Doorn. (2003). Assessment of farmer attitudes and behavioral intentions toward bird conservation on organic and conventional Florida farms. Conservation Biology, 17(2):595-606.

Monroe, M., S.K. Jacobson, and A. Bowers. (2003). Partnerships for natural resource education: Differing program needs and perspectives of extension agents and state agency staff. Journal of Extension, 41(3),

Zarin, D.J., K.A Kainer, F.E. Putz, M. Schmink, and S.K. Jacobson. (2003). Integrated graduate education and research in neotropical working forests. Journal of Forestry, 101(6):31-37.

Jacobson, S.K. (2001). Monitoring public satisfaction in an ecosystem management framework. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 19(4):83-101.

Jacobson, S.K., M. Monroe, and S. Marynowski.* (2001). Fire at the wildland interface: The influence of experience and mass media on public knowledge, attitudes, and behavioral intentions. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 29(3):929-937.

McDuff, M.D.,* and S.K. Jacobson. (2001). Participatory evaluation of environmental education: Stakeholder assessment of the Wildlife clubs of Kenya. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 10(2):127-148.

McDuff, M.D.,* and S.K. Jacobson. (2000). Impacts and future directions of youth conservation organizations: Wildlife clubs in Africa. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 28(2):414-425.

Marynowski, S.B.,* and S.K. Jacobson. (1999). Ecosystem management education for public lands. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 27(1):134-145.

Jacobson, S.K., and S.M. Marynowski.* (1998). New model for ecosystem management interpretation: Target audiences on military lands. Journal of Interpretation Research, 3(1):1-20.

Jacobson, S.K., and M. McDuff.* (1998). Conservation Education. In W. Sutherland (Ed.), Conservation Science and Action(pp. 237-255). Oxford, UK: Blackwell Science.

Jacobson, S.K. and M. McDuff.* (1998). Training idiot savants: The lack of human dimensions in conservation biology. Conservation Biology, 12(2):263-267.

Norris, K.,* and S.K. Jacobson. (1998). Content analysis of tropical conservation education programs. Journal of Environmental Education, 30(1):38-44.

Rocha, L.,* and S.K. Jacobson. (1998). Partnerships for conservation: Protected areas and non-governmental organizations in Brazil. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 26(4):937-946.

Wallmo, K.,* and S.K. Jacobson. (1998). A social and environmental evaluation of fuel-efficient cook-stoves and conservation in Uganda. Environmental Conservation, 25(2):99-108.

Jacobson, S.K. (1997). Nature Conservation through Education. In G. Meffe, and R. Carroll (Eds.), Principles of Conservation Biology (pp. 551-552). Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associations.

Jacobson, S.K. (1997). Rapid Assessment for Conservation Education (RACE). Journal of Environmental Education,28(3):10-19.

Jacobson, S.K., J.J. Arana,* and M.D. McDuff.* (1997). Environmental interpretation for a diverse public: Nature center planning for minority populations. Journal of Interpretation Research, 2(1):27-46.

Jacobson, S.K., and S.M. Marynowski.* (1997). Public attitudes and knowledge about ecosystem management on Department of Defense lands in Florida. Conservation Biology, 11(3):770-781.

Jacobson, S.K., and M. McDuff.* (1997). Success factors and evaluation in conservation education programmes. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 6(3):204-221.

Jacobson, S.K. (1996). New course for environmental studies (invited editorial).  Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy, 11(3):142-143.

Jacobson, S.K., and M. Jurado.* (1996). Participatory interpretive training for Tikal National Park, Guatemala. Legacy, Journal of the National Association for Interpretation, 7(1):18-23.

Fiallo, E.,* and S.K. Jacobson. (1995). Local communities and protected areas: Attitudes of rural residents toward conservation and Machalilla National Park, Ecuador. Environmental Conservation, 22(3):241-249. 

Jacobson, S.K. (1995). Evaluating impacts on graduate education: The conservation and sustainable development initiative. The Environmental Professional, 17:251-262.

Jacobson, S.K. (1995). New Directions in Education for Natural Resource Management. In R.L. Knight, and S. Bates (Eds.), A New Century for Natural Resource Management (pp. 297-310). Washington, DC: Island Press.

Jacobson, S.K. (1995). Needs assessment techniques for environmental education. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 4(1):125-133.

Jacobson, S.K. (1995). Introduction: Wildlife Conservation through Education. In S.K. Jacobson (Ed.), Conserving Wildlife: International Education and Communication Approaches (pp. XXIII-XXXI). Columbia New York, NY: University Press.

Jacobson, S.K., and M. Jurado.* (1995). Environmental Education through Park Interpretation in Guatemala. In L. Hay-Smith, and J. Harvey (Eds.), Nature Tourism and Conservation in Central America (pp. 143-145). Paseo Pantera Publication for the U.S Agency for International Development.

Jacobson, S.K., and S.M. Padua.* (1995). A systems model for conservation education in parks: Examples from Malaysia and Brazil. In S.K. Jacobson (Ed.), Conserving Wildlife: International Education and Communication Approaches (pp. 1-15). New York, NY: Columbia University Press.

Jacobson, S.K., E. Vaughan, and S. Miller. (1995). New directions in conservation biology: Graduate programs. Conservation Biology, 9(1):5-17.

Jacobson, S.K., and A.F. Lopez. (1994). Biological impacts of ecotourism: Tourists and nesting turtles in Tortuguero National Park, Costa Rica. Bulletin of Wildlife Management, 22(3):414-419.

White, T.G.,* and S.K. Jacobson. (1994). Evaluating conservation education programs at a South American zoo. Journal of Environmental Education, 25(4):18-22.

Padua, S.,* and S.K. Jacobson. (1993). A comprehensive approach to an environmental education program in Brazil. Journal of Environmental Education, 24(4):29-36.

Jacobson, S.K., and S.M. Padua.* (1992). Pupils and parks: Environmental education in national parks of developing countries. Childhood Education, 68(5):290-293.

Jacobson, S.K., J.G. Robinson, J.D. Allan, K. Hansen, J.G. Schmitt, T. Moermond, and K.H. Redford. (1992). Nuts and bolts: Building graduate programs integrating conservation and sustainable development. The Environmental Professional,14:282-292.

Jacobson, S.K. and R. Robles. (1992). Ecotourism, sustainable development, and conservation education: Development of a tour guide training program in Tortuguero, Costa Rica. Environmental Management, 16(6):701-713.

Jacobson, S.K. (1991). Evaluation model for developing, implementing, and assessing conservation education programs: Examples from Belize and Costa Rica. Environmental Management, 15(2):143-150.

Jacobson, S.K. (1991). Resident Attitudes about a National Park and Conservation in Sabah, Malaysia. In P.C. West, and S. Brechin (Eds.), Resident Populations and National Parks in Developing Nations: Interdisciplinary Perspectives and Policy Implications (pp. 402-422). Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press.

Jacobson, S.K., and J. Vandenberg. (1991). Reproductive biology of the endangered golden toad (Bufo periglenes).  Journal of Herpetology, 25(3):321-327.

Jacobson, S.K. (1990). A model for using a developing country's park system for conservation education. Journal of Environmental Education, 22(1):19-25.

Jacobson, S.K. (1990). Graduate education in conservation biology. Conservation Biology, 4(4):431-440.

Jacobson, S.K. (1990). Malaysia. In C.W. Allin (Ed.), The International Handbook of National Parks and Nature Reserves(pp. 253-272). CT: Greenwood Press.

Jacobson, S.K., and J.G. Robinson. (1990). Training the new conservationist: Cross disciplinary education in the 1990s. Environmental Conservation, 17(4):319-327.

Jacobson, S.K. (1989). Mass media and park management: Reaching the public beyond the park boundary. The Environmentalist, 9(2):131-137.

Jacobson, S.K. (1988). Media effectiveness in a Malaysian park system. Journal of Environmental Education, 19:22-27.

Jacobson, S.K. (1988). The world's largest flowers and their future. Environmental Conservation, 15:275-76.

Jacobson, S.K., and J.L. Hardesty. (1988). 'Diversity' (an editorial). Conservation Biology, 2(2):221.

Jacobson, S.K. (1987). Conservation education programmes: Evaluate and improve them. Environmental Conservation,14(3):201-206.

Jacobson, S.K. (1987). Science Writing. In R. Donahoo, L. Haagen, S. Jacobson, and W. Atwill (Eds.), Advanced Placement Course in English Language and Composition (pp. 1-51). Durham, NC: Duke University Publication.

Jacobson, S.K. (1986). The development of a school programme for Kinabalu Park. Sabah Society Journal, 8(2):213-223.

Jacobson, S.K. (1986). Effectiveness of a Mobile Unit Program, Kinabalu Park, Malaysia. In Building Support for Conservation in Rural Areas (pp. 28-30). QLF/Atlantic Center for the Environment Publication.

Jacobson, S.K. (1985). Reproductive behavior and male mating success in two species of glass frogs (Centrolenidae). Herpetologica, 41(4):396-404.

(* connotes Jacobson’s students)


Miscellaneous Publications, Technical Reports, Popular Science Articles, Films, and Exhibits

Jacobson, S.K., McDuff, M.D., and Monroe, M.C. (2015, October 2). Effective communications for conservation. Retrieved from

Amit, R.* and S.K. Jacobson. (2014). Understanding human-felid conflict mitigation: husbandry practices at livestock ranches affected by jaguars and pumas in Costa Rica. Wild Felid Monitor, 7(1):19-20.
Wald, D.M.,* and S.K. Jacobson. (2013). The influence of perceptions, attitudes, and experiences on the perceived risks and benefits of free-roaming cats. Proceedings from the 25th Vertebrate Pest Conference. Monterey, CA.

Carlton, J.S.,* and S.K. Jacobson. (2010). A review of “Clayton, Susan and Gene Myers. Conservation psychology: Understanding and promoting human care.” The Quarterly Review of Biology, 84:494.

Jacobson, S.K., L. Gape, M. Sweeting, and T. Stein. (2007). Planning outreach for the Abaco National 
Park. Bahamas Naturalist and Journal of Science, 2(2):55-60.

Jacobson, S.K., and J. Morris. (2004). Understanding, measuring and breaking down barriers to implementation of an adaptive management program: The FWC objective-based vegetation management approach in Florida. Final Report for USGS State Partnership Program and FL Fish and ildlife Conservation Commission. 103 pp.

Gape L., M. Sweeting, S.K. Jacobson, and Abaco teachers. (2003). The Pine Forest Teacher Resource 
Guide. Bahamas National Trust. 107 pp.

Jacobson, S.K., L. Gape, and M. Sweeting. (2003). A park for the people and parrot of Abaco. [Color brochure].

Jacobson, S.K., L. Gape, and M. Sweeting. (2003). Fire for healthy pine forests. [Color brochure].

Jacobson, S.K., L. Gape, and M. Sweeting. (2003). A Bahama Parrot: Our National Treasure. [Color brochure].

Jacobson, S.K., and J. Morris. (2002). Survey research on Florida boaters and manatee management. 
Final Report for the FL Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. 95 pp.

Jacobson, S.K., K.S. Sieving, G. Jones, J. McElroy, M. Hostetler, and S. Miller. (2002). Farmers’ opinions about bird conservation and pest management on organic and conventional North Florida farms. EDIS publication. Circular 1426.

Jacobson, S.K. (2001). Promoting conservation through effective public speaking. Conservation Biology in Practice, 2(2):38-39.

Jacobson, S.K. (2000). Be a conservation star: Four steps for successful news interviews. PlantTalk, April(21):33-35.

Jacobson, S.K., and S. Aipunjiguly. (2000). Survey research on Florida boaters and manatee management. Final Report for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. November 2000.

Jacobson, S.K., and R. Meadows. (2000). Tips from the media committee: Interviews dos and don’ts. Society for Conservation Biology Newsletter. November 2000, pp. 21.

McDuff, M., and S.K. Jacobson. (1998). A model for participatory evaluation of environmental education in Africa: Promoting success at the wildlife clubs of Kenya. Final Report to the 
Conservation, Food, and Health Foundation. 45pp.

Jacobson, S.K., and S. Marynowski. (1996). Alien Plants. Niceville, FL: Eglin Air Force Base Publ., 
Department of Defense. [Fact sheet].

Jacobson, S.K., and S. Marynowski. (1996). Final Report of the Ecosystem Education Program for military personnel 1995-1996. Niceville, FL: Eglin Air Force Base Publ., Dept. of Defense. 23pp.

Jacobson, S.K., and S. Marynowski. (1996). Metrics for customer satisfaction and recreational user knowledge and attitudes at Eglin Air Force Base. Niceville, FL: Final Report for Eglin Air Force Base, 
Dept. of Defense. 27pp.

Jacobson, S.K., and S. Marynowski. (1996). Prescribed fire. Niceville, FL: Eglin Air Force Base Publ., 
Department of Defense. [Fact sheet].

Jacobson, S.K. (1995). Tropical Nature -- Photographic Exhibit, Grinter Gallery, University of Florida, 
Sept-Oct; Light-Work Labs Gallery, Feb-Mar 1996.

Jacobson, S.K. (1995). Naturally Eglin -- 11-minute video on ecosystem management.

Jacobson, S.K., and S. Marynowski. (1995). Final Report of the Public and Recreational Users 
Ecosystem Education Program 1993-1995. Niceville, FL: Eglin Air Force Base Publ., Dept. of 
Defense. 94pp.

Jacobson, S.K., and S. Marynowski. (1994). Ahead of the game: Public recreation and game management on Eglin Air Force Base. Niceville, FL: Eglin Air Force Base Publ., Dept. of Defense. 
[Fact sheet].

Jacobson, S.K., and S. Marynowski. (1994). The big picture: Managing Eglin's forest ecosystems.  
Niceville, FL: Eglin Air Force Base Publ., Dept. of Defense. [Fact sheet].

Jacobson, S.K., and S. Marynowski. (1994). Eglin fun book. Niceville, FL: Eglin Air Force Base Publ., 
Dept. of Defense. [Youth activity book].

Jacobson, S.K., and S. Marynowski. (1994). Fire: Prescription for forest health. Niceville, FL: Eglin 
Air Force Base Publ., Dept. of Defense. [Fact sheet].

Jacobson, S.K., and S. Marynowski. (1994). Let's go native: Eglin's special plants and animals. 
Niceville, FL: Eglin Air Force Base Publ., Dept. of Defense. [Fact sheet].

Jacobson, S.K. (1993). The Cambridge encyclopedia of ornithology. Journal of Field Ornithology, 

Jacobson, S.K. (1993). Final Report for 5-year Pew Charitable Trusts Initiative: Integrated approaches to training in conservation and sustainable development. 118 pp.

Jacobson, S.K., and S. Marynowski. (1993). Hunters and game management on Eglin Air Force Base: 
A summary of facts and figures. Eglin Air Force Base Publication. 2 pp.

Jacobson, S.K., S. Marynowski, and J. Hardesty. (1993). Citizen knowledge and opinion of public recreation and natural resource management on Eglin Air Force Base: Analysis of the survey of outdoor recreation, hunting and fishing at Eglin Air Force Base and the survey of citizen opinion on public recreation and natural resource management at Eglin Air Force Base. Niceville, FL: Eglin Air Force Base Publ., Dept. of Defense. 37 pp.

Jacobson, S.K., C.A. Aguilar, and D. Madison. (1993, May). Los Arboles de Tikal (The trees of Tikal). 
El Reportero Newspaper, pp. 6, 11.

Aguilar, C.A., and S.K. Jacobson. (1993, March). La fauna de Tikal (The fauna of Tikal). El 
Reportero Newspaper, pp. 5-6.

Aguilar, C.A., M. Jurado, and S.K. Jacobson. (1993, January). Bosque Maya en Tikal (Tikal's Mayan 
forest). El Reportero Newspaper, pp. 14-15.

Jacobson, S.K. (1992). Birds of Jamaica. Journal of Field Ornithology, 63(1), 102-103.

Jacobson, S.K. (1992). Conservation education in the Bay Islands, Honduras. Final Report to Wildlife 
Conservation International. 62 pp.

Jacobson, S.K. (1992). Introduction to Los arrecifes coralinos de las Islas de la Bahia (The Coral 
Reefs of the Bay Islands). Bay Islands, Honduras: Paseo Pantera Publication.

Jacobson, S.K., and R. Robles. (1992). El desarrollo de un programa de entrenamiento para guias de 
ecoturismo en Tortuguero, Costa Rica. In S. Ham (Ed.), Interpretción Ambiental: Una Guia Prática 
para Gente con Grandes Ideas y Presupuestos Pequeños (pp. 160-162). Golden, CO: North American 

Jacobson, S.K. (1991). Conservation education needs assessment for the Bay Islands, Honduras.  
Report to Wildlife Conservation International. 31 pp.

Payne, J., and S.K. Jacobson. (1991). Review of the Society for Conservation Biology 1991 
Conference.  Environmental Conservation.

Fragoso, J.M., D.I. Rumiz, C.E. Hunter, G. Silva-Lopez, L. Grober, and S.K. Jacobson (Project 
Director). (1990). Wildlife inventory of the Rio Bravo Conservation and Management Area; Part 1: 
Ungulates and primates. Final Report for the Manomet Bird Observatory and the Programme for 
Belize. 25 pp.

Hay-Smith, L., M. Marquez, L. Wilkins, A. Novarro, M. Suarez, S. Walker, and S.K. Jacobson 
(Project Director). (1990). Wildlife survey of the Rio Bravo Conservation and Management Area; Park 
II: Small mammals and carnivores. Final Report for the Manomet Bird Observatory and Programme for 
Belize. 79 pp.

Jacobson, S.K. (1990). Ecotourism, sustainable development, and conservation education:  development of a tour guide training program in Tortuguero, Costa Rica. Report to the Caribbean 
Conservation Corporation. 65 pp.

Jacobson, S.K. (1988). Discover wildlife in your world: Insect-eating pitcher plants. Majalah, Kelab 
Pencinta Alam Sabah, 1(1):8.

Jacobson, S.K. (1988). Environmental education in Belize. Final Report to the Programme for Belize. 
26 pp.

Jacobson, S.K., and M.A. Bishop. (1988). Review of the Society for Conservation Biology 1988 
Conference. Environmental Conservation, 15(2):375-377.

Jacobson, S.K. (1987). Denizens of darkness. Animals Magazine, 120(2):18-21.

Jacobson, S.K. (1986). After dark in the park. Nature Malaysiana, 11(1):2-6.

Jacobson, S.K. (1986). Kinabalu Park. Singapore: Sabah Parks Publication No. 7. 66 pp.

Jacobson, S.K. (1986). Recommendations for Kinabalu Park program development. Final Report to 
Sabah Parks Trustees, Malaysia. 18 pp.

Jacobson, S.K. (1985, October 27-December 6). Nature Notes Column. Sabah, Malaysia: The Daily 

Jacobson, S.K. (1984). Frog Feats. International Wildlife, 14(3):12-17.

Jacobson, S.K. (1983). Alligators: exploited, feared, threatened. The Florida Naturalist, 1:12-13.

Jacobson, S.K. (1983). Gator Hole. 16mm film on the biological interactions of animals at an alligator pool.

Jacobson, S.K. (1983). Pierce Brodkorb, Avian Paleontologist. G Magazine, 2:14-15.

Jacobson, S.K. (1983). Short season of the Golden Toad. International Wildlife, 13(6):25-27.

Jacobson, S.K. (1981). The reptile world. Thirty minute film documentary on reptile diversity and distribution. Sierra Club. CATV TV, Florida.

Jacobson, S.K. (1980).  A guide to Kenya. Providence Sunday Journal, 2(3), H1-3.

Jacobson, S.K. (1980). Project Orangutan. Animals, 113(6):18-20, 36.

Jacobson, S.K. (1979). A Guide to Kinabalu National Park. Malaysia: Straits Echo Press.  56 pp.

Jacobson, S.K. (1977). The return of the flamingos. Wildlife Clubs of Kenya Magazine, 1:8-10.