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Wildlife Ecology and Conservation department

Wildlife Ecology and Conservation department

Current Lab Group Members

Holly Ober, Professor Associate professor Holly has a B.S. from Duke University, M.S. from University of Arizona, and Ph.D. from Oregon State University.
Meghan Lauer, Biological scientist  Biological scientist Meghan has a B.S. from FGCU and an M.S. from UF. She is workshop coordinator for the Natural Areas Training Academy. 
Laura Nicholson

Laura Nicholson, MS student   

MS student Morgan has a B.S. from Rice University. She is currently investigating the effects of restoration activities on Florida bonneted bats.

Celso Poot

Celso Poot, PhD student

PhD student Celso has a BS from Galen University and an MA from Miami University. He is examining movements and habitat use of Baird’s Tapir in Belize.


David Armitage, Former MS student Dave has a B.S. from University of Michigan and now an M.S. from UF. While in the Ober lab he investigated the role of prescribed fire in structuring forest bat communities and evaluated the ability of supervised learning techniques to classify bat echolocation calls.
Mandy Bailey, Former MS student  MS student Mandy has a B.S. from University of Maine. She is currently studying habitat selection and demographics of Florida bonneted bats. 
Elizabeth Braun de Torrez, Post-doctoral associate  Post-doctoral associate Liz has a B.S. from Purdue University and a Ph.D. from Boston University. While at UF she led two projects: an investigation of the role of fire in shaping habitat use of Florida bonneted bats, and development of a bat monitoring protocol for Everglades National Park. 
Lucas DeGroote, Former Biological Scientist  Luke has a B.S. from University of Wisconsin and an MS from the Ohio State University. While in the Ober lab he studied the effects of pine straw raking on invertebrate communities, identification of an attractant for the nine-banded armadillo, and wildflowers susceptible to browsing by white-tailed deer. 
Sarah Friedl, Former Biological scientist  Biological scientist Sarah has a B.S. from Eastern Michigan University and an M.S. from North Carolina State University. She is workshop Coordinator for the Natural Areas Training Academy. 
Morgan Hughes, MS student  MS student Morgan has a B.S. from Utah State University and now an MS from UF. She studied the role of bats as pest control agents across the Southeast. 
Sheherazade Jayadi, MS student  Sheherazade has a B.S. from Universitas Indonesia and now an MS from UF. She investigated the role of flying foxes in pollinating semi-wild durian in Sulawesi to quantify the economic contributions of these bats. 
Shelly Johnson, Former PhD student  Shelly has a B.S. from University of Idaho, an M.S. from Northern Arizona University, and now a Ph.D. from University of Florida. While in the Ober lab she evaluated the role of wildlife biodiversity in providing ecosystem services in Florida's pine forests, and also served as Biological Scientist. 
Jessica McKenzie, Former MS student  Jessica has a B.A. from University of Alabama and now an M.S. from UF. While in the Ober lab she investigated the role of knowledge and values in shaping conservation behaviors towards sea turtles in the Florida Panhandle. 
Elizabeth Ramirez, Former MS student  Liz has a B.S. and now an M.S. from University of Florida. While in the Ober lab she studied the effects of forest restoration on habitat suitability for red-cockaded woodpeckers. 
Jennifer Trusty, Former Post-doctoral associate  Jen has a B.A. from Dartmouth University and Ph.D. from Florida International University. While in the Ober lab she conducted a meta-analysis of understory vegetation restoration techniques in forests of the Southeastern U.S. 
Vicki Underwood, Former MS student  Vicki has a B.A. from University of Tennessee and now an M.S. from UF. While in the Ober lab she assessed factors influencing the occurrence of gopher tortoises on private lands in Mississippi. 
Elysia Webb, MS student  MS student Elysia has a B.S. from Ohio University and now an MS from UF. She assesses the diet and foraging movement patterns of Florida bonneted bats.