University of Florida graduates in the Southern Cone
Jose Alberto Gobbi (Ph.D.) – Natural Resource Economist, Regional Coordinator for the Sustainable Ecosystem Management Project for Chaco and Formosa, National Institute of Agricultural and Ranching Technology (INTA), Chaco, Argentina.
Ivan Diaz (Ph.D.) - Director, School of Resource Conservation, Faculty of Forest Science and Natural Resources, Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile.
Martin Funes (M.S.) – Program Director, Patagonian and Southern Andean Steppe Program, Wildlife Conservation Society, Argentina.
Mariano Gonzales Roglich (M.S., UF; Ph.D., Duke University) – Director of Ecosystem Analysis, Moore Center for Science, Conservation International
Jaimie Jiménez (MS, UF; Ph.D., Utah State University) – Professor of Wildlife Ecology, Universidad de Los Lagos, Osorno, Chile.
Jose Luis Hierro (MS, UF; Ph.D., University of Montana) – Assistant Professor of Conservation Biology, National University of La Pampa, and CONICET researcher, Argentina.
Andres Novaro (Ph.D.) – Conservation Zoologist and Co-director, Patagonian and Southern Andean Steppe Program, Wildlife Conservation Society, and CONICET researcher, Argentina. One project of this WCS program - “green” cashmere
Alejandro Pietrek (M.S., UF) - Currently Ph.D. student at Duke University conducting thesis research on the dynamics and impacts of introduced beavers in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina.
Mariano Rodriguez Cabal (M.S., UF) – Currently Ph.D. student at University of Tennessee conducting thesis research on impacts of introduced species in the Andean forest of Patagonia.
Susan Walker (Ph.D.) – Co-director, Patagonian and Southern Andean Steppe Program, Wildlife Conservation Society, Argentina (US citizen, permanent resident of Argentina). One project of this WCS program - “green” cashmere
Diego Villarreal (M.S.) – Associate Professor of Wildlife Ecology and Management, National University of La Pampa, Argentina.