Wildlife Ecology and Conservation department

Wildlife Ecology and Conservation department

The Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Minor

The minor in Wildlife Ecology and Conservation is designed to introduce students to the basic principles of ecology and their application to the challenges of biodiversity conservation and sustainability, especially with regard to wildlife and wildlife habitat.

The Wildlife Ecology and Conservation minor must include a minimum of 15 credit hours. To apply for the minor, complete an "Minor - Undergraduate Application to Add or Cancel" early in your academic career.

Required WIS Course

WIS 3401 Wildlife Ecology and Management (taught Fall and Spring) 3

Required Ecology Course

Choose one:  
FOR 3153C Forest Ecology 3
PCB 3601C Plant Ecology 3
PCB 4043C General Ecology 4
WIS 3404 Natural Resource Ecology (online, taught Fall) 3

Required Electives:

Choose at least three WIS courses at the 3000 level or higher from the following Suggestions for Minor Electives. 9

Suggestions for Minor Electives:

  • WIS 2920 Wildlife Colloquium (1) F, S
  • WIS 3402 Wildlife of Florida (3) S
  • WIS 3402L Wildlife of Florida Lab (1) S
  • WIS 3410 The Ecology of Climate Change
  • WIS 3434 Tropical Wildlife (3) F-odd year only
  • WIS 3553C Introduction to Conservation Genetics (4) S
  • WIS 4203C Landscape Ecology and Conservation (3) S
  • WIS 4427C Wildlife Habitat Management (3) Summer A
  • WIS 4440C Wetland Management
  • WIS 4443C Wetland Wildlife Resources (4) Milton Campus Only
  • WIS 4454 Ecology of Bird Introductions and Invasions (3)
  • WIS 4501 Introduction to Wildlife Population Ecology (3) F, S
  • WIS 4523 Human Dimensions of Natural Resource Conservation (3) F
  • WIS 4547C Avian Field Research (2) S
  • WIS 4554 Conservation Biology (3) F
  • WIS 4570C Wildlife Behavior and Conservation (3) F
  • WIS 4601C Quantitative Wildlife Ecology (3) F, S
  • WIS 4934 Topics in Wildlife Ecology and Conservation (topics vary each semester) F, S
  • Any upper-division (3000- and 4000-level) WIS courses listed under Wildlife Ecology and Conservation in the UF Undergraduate Catalog. Note: WIS 3401 cannot be used in the Minor Electives category. Also, if WIS 3404 is used for the Required Ecology Course, it cannot be double-counted in the Minor Electives category.

Please note: Students who wish to minor in Wildlife Ecology and Conservation are responsible for completing any prerequisites for WIS coursework listed in the UF Undergraduate Catalog.