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Wildlife Ecology and Conservation department

Wildlife Ecology and Conservation department

Mapping your T: and U: drives - Mac

The WEC department has network file storage for multiple uses. Our T: Drive is used for shared documents and lab folders. Our U: drive is your personal folder for file storage. If you are a new student and wish to have a U: Drive folder setup, please send an email to Tom Barnash to request one.

Mapping the T: Drive

  1. If you are using a personal laptop, you must connect to the UF network using the VPN software before mapping to a drive or accessing a shared printer. You can obtain the Cisco VPN software and directions on the UF VPN website here.
  2. From the Mac OS X Finder, hit Command+K to bring up the ‘Connect to Server’ window
  3. Enter the path to the network share, smb:// and click ‘Connect’
    Mac Server Connect
  4. Enter your login/password and click “OK” to mount the network drive. Your username needs to be in the format UFAD\username.
    Mac Login
  5. The drive will now appear on your desktop and in the Finder window sidebar

Mapping the U: Drive

The steps for mapping the U: drive are identical; select U for the drive letter, and the folder address is smb://, where username is your Gatorlink login name.