Wildlife Ecology and Conservation department

Wildlife Ecology and Conservation department

Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Graduate Students

Student Name: Acevedo-Charry, Orlando
Degree: PhD (SNRE)
Email: oacevedocharry@ufl.edu
Advisor: Acevedo & Robinson
Research: Tropical ecology and conservation, bird communities and population trends, biodiversity response to environmental gradients, citizen science and community-based monitoring linked with quantitative tools
Interests: Outdoors activities such as hiking, birding (not competitive, just for fun), herping, sound recording and some of photography. I am also enjoying dancing (mostly salsa) as well as friendly conversations with a coffee, wine, or a beer on the hand
Student Name: Aguilar, Trenton
Degree: PhD
Email: trenton.aguilar@ufl.edu
Advisor: Carthy, Allen
Research: Sea turtle ecology
Student Name: Baecher, Alex
Degree: PhD (SNRE)
Email: jbaecher@ufl.edu
Advisor: Scheffers
Research: Amphibian Conservation and Ecology
Interests: Herping, hiking, swimming & canoeing, coding & data visualization, his fiancée—Kristin, his dog—Ollie, cooking, and brewing kombucha
Student Name: Beatty, Meghan
Degree: PhD
Email: meghan.beatty@ufl.edu
Advisor: Fletcher
Research: Spatial ecology, population biology and conservation of Southeastern American Kestrels (Falco sparverius paulus), movement ecology and conservation of snail kites
Interests: Birding, camping, reading, dance, travel, country music
Student Name: Botero Arias, Robinson
Degree: PhD
Email: robin@ufl.edu
Advisor: Loiselle, Ross
Research: Population Dynamics, Reproduction Ecology and Strategic Management for Black Caiman (Melanosuchus niger) in the Middle Solimðes River, Mamiraua Reserve, Brazil
Interests: Conservation and management strategies for natural resource in Amazon; Caimans, crocodilians and Alligators, wildlife research
Student Name: Chen, Po-An
Degree: PhD
Email: poanchen@ufl.edu
Advisor: Sieving
Research: Informationscapes ecology in family Paridae
Interests: birding, watching movies, tasting delicious food as well as cooking
Student Name: Cooke, Sarah
Degree: MS (SNRE)
Email: sarahkcooke@ufl.edu
Advisor: Mazzotti
Research: Spatial ecology and management of non-native herpetofauna in southern Florida
Interests: Scuba diving, herping, traveling- basically any outdoor activity and music
Student Name: Cruz-Hernández, Virnaliz
Degree: PhD (SNRE)
Email: virnaliz.cruzher@ufl.edu
Advisor: Acevedo
Research: Disease ecology, spillover prediction, data science
Interests: Jigsaw puzzles, jogging with dogs, swimming, beach, and learning to program
Student Name: Dumandan, Patricia Kaye Tahura
Degree: PhD (SNRE)
Email: pdumandan@ufl.edu
Advisor: Ernest
Research: ecological dynamics of wildlife assemblages
Interests: population and community ecology, ecological modelling, painting, swimming, hiking, running
Student Name: Elmquist, Lara
Degree: MS
Email: lelmquist@ufl.edu
Advisor: Fletcher
Research: breeding behavior, foraging ecology, and conservation of snail kites
Interests: birding, going to the beach, board games, watching movies, spending time with friends over good food and drinks
Student Name: Fluck-Essig, Isadora
Degree: PhD
Email: ifluckessig@ufl.edu
Advisor: Baiser
Research: Theoretical, methodological, and applied aspects of community ecology; general research interests: ornithology, comparative methods/approaches, ecological and spatial distribution of neotropical taxa, patterns and processes driving species diversity, and environmental diversity gradients
Interests: My main personal interests fall into nature research, but I am also interested in arts. In my free time, besides birdwatching, I enjoy reading books about art history, drawing (especially birds) and crafting
Student Name: Franklin, Laura
Degree: PhD
Email: laurafranklin@ufl.edu
Advisor: Lashley
Research: Understanding factors that influence white-tailed deer population dynamics in Osceola Wildlife Management Area
Interests: Hiking, canoeing, sifting through field guides, tracking critters, coffee, my pet rats (Rosie, Petunia, Lily, and Daisy), the American Southwest, Sarah Jarosz (musician), Hamilton the musical, podcasts (Lore and Park Predators are my favorite series), favorite book: Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens, trivia, solo adventuring in my Subaru, pizza, and my Rez Dog, Zona.
Student Name: Furst, Alex
Degree: MS
Email: alex.furst@ufl.edu
Advisor: Ellington
Research: The assessment of Argentine Black and White Tegu abundance, habitat use, and their impacts on native wildlife.
Interests: Camping, fishing, hiking, herping, watching sports
Student Name: Ghimirey, Yadav
Degree: PhD
Email: yadavghimirey@ufl.edu
Advisor: Oli
Research: Carnivore ecology and interaction in the mid-hills of Nepal with a special focus on felid species
Interests: I like spending time with my family, play football (soccer) and listen to songs
Student Name: Grace, Savannah
Degree: PhD
Email: savannah.grace@ufl.edu
Advisor: Wisely & Austin
Research: Disease ecology with a focus on how genetic variation within Florida white-tailed deer populations affect susceptibility to epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus (EHDV) infection
Interests: Exploring with my husband and dogs, swimming, traveling, and catching up on good TV
Student Name: Gulick, Christopher
Degree: PhD
Email: cgulick@ufl.edu
Advisor: Powell
Research: Using spatial data of wildlife to inform conservation at the ecosystem or community level
Interests: Fishing, hiking, hunting, and birding in his free time
Student Name: Hari Haran, Priyanka
Degree: PhD (SNRE)
Email: phariharan1@ufl.edu
Advisor: Bruna
Research: The effect of forest fragmentation and restoration on bird communities of the Western Ghats mountain range, India
Interests: Reading, writing, cooking, singing, birding, and science communication
Student Name: Haro, Daniel
Degree: PhD
Email: dharo@ufl.edu
Advisor: Romagosa
Research: Ecophysiology, herpetology, management of Argentine black and white tegus
Interests: Reading, writing, visiting museums, and boxing
Student Name: Hengstebeck, Kodiak
Degree: PhD (SNRE)
Email: khengste@ufl.edu
Advisor: Romagosa
Research: Occupancy rates of Burmese Pythons in Gopher Tortoise burrows, and how it affects the resident tortoises
Interests: Scuba diving, backpacking, and playing sports (hockey, volleyball, football, etc.)
Student Name: Herren, Rick
Degree: PhD
Email: rherren@ufl.edu
Advisor: Carthy
Research: Sea turtle population dynamics and foraging habitats in the Gulf of Mexico out of the Nature Coast Biological Station in Cedar Key
Interests: Surfing, hiking, diving, computer games and playing ultimate Frisbee
Student Name: Hussain, Lameace
Degree: MS
Email: lhussain1@ufl.edu
Advisor: Morales
Research: My research focuses on DEI issues with outreach approaches used by state wildlife agencies-- i.e how well do state wildlife agencies take into account BIPOC and other marginalized communities when doing outreach activities and programs, focusing on biases and barriers of both the agency and those communities
Interests: I'm a herpetologist both professionally and for fun, so my favorite activities including hiking around looking for reptiles and amphibians. I also enjoy kayaking and going to music events. Fun fact: I hosted a bluegrass radioshow for a couple of years when I lived in Kentucky
Student Name: Jeffery, Brian
Degree: PhD
Email: bjeffe01@ufl.edu
Advisor: Fletcher
Research: Ecology of snail kites
Interests: My personal interests are photography, boating, fishing, and camping
Student Name: Juarez-Sanchez, Diego
Degree: PhD
Email: adjuarez@ufl.edu
Advisor: Romagosa
Research: The influence of landscape and human activities over the presence of otters in two rivers in northern Guatemala
Interests: Carnivores ecology and population dynamics
Student Name: Klinges, David
Degree: PhD (SNRE)
Email: dklinges@ufl.edu
Advisor: Scheffers
Research: Tropical landscape ecology, Spatial and temporal scaling, Forest microclimate, Ecological forecasting
Interests: Hiking, camping, skiing, herping, and most other things you'd expect of an Ecology student
Student Name: Kyasiimire, Beatrice
Degree: PhD
Email: be.kyasiimire@ufl.edu
Advisor: Hostetler
Research: Ecological and Social costs of linear infrastructure development in Protected areas, Uganda.
Interests: Reading, listening to Music, Cooking, Wildlife watching, Nature walks, Watching games (football) and Family time.
Student Name: Lasky, Monica
Degree: PhD
Email: lasky.monica@ufl.edu
Advisor: McCleery
Research: Behavioral ecology of African wildlife
Interests: Horseback riding, hiking, and traveling
Student Name: Lamichhane, Saneer
Degree: PhD
Email: slamichhane@ufl.edu
Advisor: Oli
Research: Tiger occupancy inside and outside of protected areas, the spatiotemporal pattern of interactions between tigers, human, prey, and sympatric carnivores, and whether human disturbance effects tiger and prey population dynamics.
Interests: Playing guitar
Student Name: Manes, Constanza
Degree: PhD
Email: c.manes@ufl.edu
Advisor: Carthy
Research: Environmental drivers behind cancer disease (Fibropapillomatosis) in sea turtles
Interests: Running, practicing martial arts, jigsaw puzzles, reading, music
Student Name: Manning, Morgan
Degree: PhD
Email: morgan.manning@ufl.edu
Advisor: Acevedo
Research: Modeling mammal responses to disturbance and potential for sustainable harvest in Amazonian indigenous territories
Interests: Quantitative ecology, computer programming, SCUBA diving, cooking, and going on walks with my Great Dane, June
Student Name: McKee, Rebecca
Degree: PhD
Email: rmckee@ufl.edu
Advisor: McCleery
Research: Mammalian responses to invasive Burmese pythons in the Florida Everglades
Student Name: Miller, Storm
Degree: MS
Email: storm.miller@ufl.edu
Advisor: McCleery
Research: evaluate and develop novel approaches to attract and improve upon detection methods of the invasive Burmese Python
Interests: Weightlifting, cycling, camping, and playing the guitar.
Student Name: Morales, Manuel
Degree: PhD
Email: mmoralesm@ufl.edu
Advisor: Morales

Student Name: Poot, Celso
Degree: PhD (SNRE)
Email: cpoot@ufl.edu
Advisor: Ober
Research: The Ecology and Conservation of the Central American tapir, (Tapirus bairdii) in Belize Corridor: A Human Dominated Landscape
Interests: Road ecology, landscape ecology, hiking, nature photography, traveling and ecotourism
Student Name: Prommer, Matyas
Degree: PhD (SRNE)
Email: mprommer@ufl.edu
Advisor: Oli
Research: Interdisciplinary conservation of large falcons
Student Name: Ramis, Fatima
Degree: PhD
Email: fatima72995@ufl.edu
Advisor: Morales & Hallett
Research: Human Dimensions of Human – Wildlife interactions focusing on the West Indian Manatee
Interests: Being outside near any body of water, looking for snakes, and coffee!
Student Name: Restrepo-Cardona, Juan
Degree: PhD
Email: juan.restrepo@ufl.edu
Advisor: Hull
Research: : Biodiversity conservation and use, ecology, human dimensions, and raptors.
Interests: Outdoors activities such as hiking, running, and traveling. I enjoy drinking a good beer, meeting friendly people, and writing.
Student Name: Richardson, Matthew
Degree: PhD (SNRE)
Email: mattrich2387@ufl.edu
Advisor: Pine and Martin
Research: Spatially ecology, restoration

Student Name: Rogers, Nathan
Degree: MS
Email: nathanrogers@ufl.edu
Advisor: Pine
Research: Site Occupancy of Oyster Reefs in Cedar Key
Interests: Traveling, Snowboarding, Camping, Football, Live Music
Student Name: Rojas-Bonzi, Viviana
Degree: PhD
Email: vrojasbonzi@ufl.edu
Advisor: Hull and Branch
Research: Species interactions and human-wildlife interactions in the Paraguayan Dry Chaco
Student Name: Sanders, Ryan
Degree: MS
Email: bryver@ufl.edu
Advisor: Sieving
Research: Protection and management methods of large carnivore and big game species in the Western United States
Interests: Hiking, backpacking, music, cooking, reading
Student Name: Serano, Jaren
Degree: MS
Email: jclaude.serano@ufl.edu
Advisor: Carthy
Research: This study will be examining how human interventions such as beach renourishment affects natural coastal processes and resilience. Primarily, examining how gas exchange relates to sea turtle nesting, dune building and carbon sequestration
Interests: Wildlife Enthusiast, Conservation Biology, Ornithology, Natural Science. Appreciates long hikes
Student Name: Soifer, Lydia
Degree: PhD
Email: lydia.soifer@ufl.edu
Advisor: Scheffers
Research: Tropical spatial ecology, three-dimensional biogeography, microclimate ecology, vertical distributions, epiphytes
Interests: Any outdoor activities, including hiking, gardening, birding, and camping. I also enjoy reading, running, and dance.
Student Name: Stanley, Rick
Degree: PhD (SNRE)
Email: rstanley@ufl.edu
Advisor: Loiselle
Research: Bird conservation, spatial ecology, habitat use in human-modified landscapes, avian behavioral ecology, sociality, and sexual selection
Student Name: Teryda, Natalia
Degree: PhD (SNRE)
Email: nteryda@ufl.edu
Advisor: Carthy
Research: Conservation oriented in marine turtles
Interests: Cooking, traveling to new places, making macrame jewelry, symphonic metal, outdoor activities, turtle and tortoise conservation
Student Name: Troy, Savannah
Degree: PhD (SNRE)
Email: savannah.troy@ufl.edu
Advisor: Fletcher
Research: Avian biodiversity conservation, landscape ecology
Student Name: Ubeda, Armando
Degree: PhD
Email: aubeda@ufl.edu
Advisor: Main
Research: The movement of elasmobranchs, specifically spatial segregation patterns of sharks and rays by size and sex
Interests: Hiking, camping, foraging mushrooms, surfing, scuba diving, fishing, traveling, reading, writing, music, grilling, traditional karate, and soccer.
Student Name: Xiong, Peter
Degree: MS
Email: pxiong@ufl.edu
Advisor: Romagosa
Research: Bait/lure assessment and trap optimization for management of the Argentine black and white tegu
Interests: Diving, spearfishing, cooking, and photography
Student Name: Zhang, Ke
Degree: PhD
Email: kezhang1122@ufl.edu
Advisor: Powell
Research: Apply genetic method and spatial analysis in answering ecological questions
Interests: Cooking, swimming, cross fit, live music, and watching movies
Student Name: Zuluaga, Marlyn
Degree: PhD
Email: mzuluagaegas@ufl.edu
Advisor: Loiselle
Research: The effects of fire disturbance regime and white-tailed deer populations on longleaf pine ecosystems
Interests: Hiking, camping, really anything outdoors, wildlife rehabilitation, (watching) hockey, cooking, learning new things