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Wildlife Ecology and Conservation department

Wildlife Ecology and Conservation department

Bob McCleery Curriculum Vitae

Bob McCleery Curriculum Vitae


Doctor of Philosophy, 5/2007.
Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences, Texas A&M University
Master of Science, 9/2003. 
Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences, Texas A&M University
Bachelor of Science, 5/1994. 
Natural Resource Management, College of Agriculture, Cornell University


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Papers with extensive news coverage

R. A. McCleery, A.R. Sovie, R. Reed, M. Cunningham, M. Hunter, K. Hart. 2015. Marsh Rabbit Mortalities Tie Pythons to the Precipitous Decline of Mammals in the Everglades. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: 282:20150120.

Covered in over 100 outlets across the globe

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A.K. Long, D.D. Knappa, L. Mcculloughb, L.L. Smitha, L.M. Connera, R.A. Mccleery. 2015. Southern Toads Alter Their Behavior in Response to Red-imported Fire Ants. Biological Invasions: 17:2179–2186


Tye, C. A., R. A. McCleery, R. J. Fletcher, D. U. Greene, R. S. Butryn. Evaluating citizen versus professional data for modelling distributions of a rare squirrel. Journal of Applied Ecology, 2016: DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.12682

Science Daily:

McCleery, R.A., J. A. Hostetler, M. K. Oli. 2014. Better off in the wild? Evaluating a captive breeding and release program for the recovery of an endangered rodent. Biological Conservation: 169: 198-205.

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Science daily:

Schmidt, J. A., R. A. McCleery, J. R. Seavey, S. E. Cameron Devitt, and P. M. Schmidt.  2012. Impacts of a half century of sea-level rise and development on an endangered mammal. Global Change Biology 12:3536-3542

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