Wildlife Ecology and Conservation department

Wildlife Ecology and Conservation department

Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to the Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation. Below you will find the answers to questions you may have as you begin your graduate studies at the University of Florida. When you first arrive at the University of Florida, please check in with our Student Service Office to receive additional information and to provide us with your contact information. Welcome aboard!

Where can I get information on WEC faculty and staff, and what they do?

A list of faculty and staff, with links to their web pages can be found at in the people section of our page.

How do I find housing information?

For on-campus housing, go to http://www.housing.ufl.edu/housing/. For off-campus housing try http://www.apartmenthunters.com/, or the Independent Florida Alligator’s Classifieds at http://www.alligator.org/classifieds/. You can also contact other graduate students through the WEC graduate listserv; If you are not yet on the listserv, you may email your graduate faculty advisor, and he or she will post your message to the listserv for you.

How do I get on the WEC graduate listserv to get departmental notices?

First, obtain a University of Florida email account through Gatorlink by visiting CIRCA at E520 CSE, or online at http://www.gatorlink.ufl.edu. Next, email Michael Dial (michael.dial@ufl.edu), and ask him to add you to the list.

How do I register for classes?

Students with Internet access may register for classes using ONE.UF. Prior to registration, students should check the status of any UF holds that may have been placed on their registration using ONE.UF.

Where can I find a schedule of courses?

The UF Schedule of Courses is available online at https://one.ufl.edu/soc/. Current and archived Schedules of Courses are found on this website.

What courses should I take?

Discuss the myriad course offerings with your advisory committee. You will need to complete a schedule of coursework (Form 2) with your supervisory committee by the end of your first (MS students) or second (PhD students) semester. The UF Graduate School requires that at least 15 credits for all graduate degrees be in the Major (that means WIS coursework). 

What courses do I take to fulfill my WEC concentration (E, H, Q courses).

This is a question for your advisory committee (research degrees only!).  Your committee will ultimately sign off on your Form 2 schedule of courses, where a certain number of courses must be designated as Quantitative, Human dimensions, and Ecology. In order to insure our research grad students get exposed to the three areas, we ask you to pick a concentration.

Where can I find answers to my financial questions?

If you are funded on a departmental assistantship or fellowship contact Donna Dyer (Room 113 Newins-Ziegler Hall, Phone: 352-846-0577, email: dkb@ufl.edu to fill out needed paperwork.

If you have financial aid from UF contact: University Financial Services, located at S-113 Criser Hall, PO Box 114050, Gainesville FL 32611. They may be reached by phone at (352) 392-0181, by fax at (352) 392-3448, or online at http://fa.ufl.edu/ufs/.

What is a Gator 1 Card, and how do I get one?

The Gator 1 Card is the official University of Florida picture ID card. It is required of all students, faculty, and staff. Many activities on campus are only available upon presentation of the Gator 1 Card. Students can obtain a Gator 1 Card at the ID Card Services office at the UF Bookstore and Welcome Center. See http://gator1.ufl.edu/ for more information.

How do I get a parking Decal?

Parking decals are available from UF Transportation and Parking Services, http://www.parking.ufl.edu/, located at 1273 Gale Lemerand Drive.

Is there an orientation for new graduate students in WEC?

Yes! An orientation for new graduate students is held during the first week of class every Fall semester.

What is the mailing address for the Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation?

Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
PO Box 110430
University of Florida 
Gainesville, Fl  32611-0430.

You will be assigned a mailbox when you arrive. Please check in with the Student Services Office immediately to activate your mailbox assignment.

How do I obtain office space or a graduate carrel?

You should check with your graduate faculty advisor for information about offices and carrels.

Is there an organization for WEC Graduate Students?

Yes! The Wildlife Graduate Students Association is a great way to get involved with other WEC students, select seminar speakers, and have a say in departmental governance. The WGSA website can be found at http://wgsauf.weebly.com/. You may also be interested in the Graduate Assistants United: visit http://www.ufgau.org/.

Are there Departmental seminars?

Yes! The WEC seminar focuses on wildlife ecology and conservation topics every Monday at 4 pm (3:45 for coffee) in Room 112 Newins-Ziegler Hall. These seminars are useful for your professional development. There’s often a get-together or potluck dinner after the presentations. Each semester, the schedule of WEC seminars is available on our seminars page. Other weekly seminars are offered by other units, such as  Zoology, Botany, Fisheries,  Forestry, Center for Latin American Studies, etc., and often announced to the WEC graduate listserv.

I’m feeling queasy from all this information, where is the Student Health Care Center?

It is located in the historic Infirmary Building on Fletcher Drive. Please see http://shcc.ufl.edu/ for further information. Free counseling services are also available through the UF Counseling Center, located in Peabody Hall, https://counseling.ufl.edu/.

Where can I find a map of campus?

There is an online map of the University of Florida campus available at http://campusmap.ufl.edu/. Campus maps are also available in the WEC Student Services Office.

Where can I find out about departmental requirements and policies?

Be sure to read the Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Graduate Student Handbook – visit the Graduate Student Handbook page.

Where can I find information about Computers and Software?

See our Computer Policy & Guidelines section.

Where can I get additional help?

Our Student Service Office is here to help you. Come by Room 115 Newins-Ziegler Hall; or contact Michael Dial (michael.dial@ufl.edu), (352) 846-0552 for assistance.

Is there additional information for international students?

Yes, information for international students is available from the UF International Center at https://internationalcenter.ufl.edu/.

Other Useful Information:

Talk to other graduate students about obtaining insurance, banking, and stuff for your new abode. For the latter, you may want to check the Gainesville Sun Classifieds http://gainesvillesunclassifieds.colony1.net/ ; The Alligator Classifieds http://www.alligator.org/class/; or the yellow pages for a variety of furniture and thrift stores.