Wildlife Ecology and Conservation department

Wildlife Ecology and Conservation department

Advancing the Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation's Mission

Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Excellence Fund

The Department's undergraduate and graduate research program trains the next generation of conservation scientists and natural resource managers, its extension programs provide fundamental knowledge to the public on wildlife and conservation science, and the Department's research is at the cutting edge, generating new knowledge on the ecology and conservation of wildlife, their habitats, and natural environments in Florida and throughout the world. The Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Excellence Fund is used to advance the mission of the Department and quality of Department programs, allowing strategic funding of key activities to maximize the Department's impacts. To contribute to the Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Excellence Fund, click here.


Tall Timbers Research Station Fire-Wildlife Fund

The mission of the Tall Timbers Research Station is to foster exemplary land stewardship through research, conservation, and education, with a primary research focus on the ecology and management of fire-dependent ecosystems and wildlife.  It supports research and extension that encourages citizens of the state of Florida to use prescribed fire to benefit wildlife and biodiversity. This Fund was established in collaboration with Tall Timbers to support research and extension activities by graduate students and faculty in the Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation in the area of ecological relationships between fire regimes and wildlife diversity in Florida and the Southeastern U.S.  These activities include conducting research and educating the public on the ecological effects of prescribed fire. To contribute to the Tall Timbers Research Station Fire-Wildlife Fund, click here.


Thad H. Owens Memorial Endowment for Wildlife Ecology Ecology and Conservation

Engagement in undergraduate and graduate research provides students the opportunity to hone their professional and analytical skills, sharpen their critical thinking and communication abilities, and gain valuable experience to prepare them for graduate education or the next step in their career. Named in honor of a former Wildlife undergraduate student, the Thad H Owens Memorial Endowment supports the purchase of equipment for student use in the Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation. To contribute to the Thad Owens Memorial Fund, click here.


Nancy Kay Czerwinski Looney Memorial Fund

A scholarship fund has been established in memory of Nancy Kay Czerwinski Looney. Nancy was a UF alumni who was passionate about nature, wildlife and our environment. The department greatly appreciates her and her family's gracious gift. Please make checks payable to the UF Foundation, Inc. and mail to the UF Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, PO Box 110430, Gainesville, FL 32611-0430; or you may give online by clicking here. Write in the comments box that the donation is "in memory of Nancy Kay Czerwinski Looney"


Monica Stokely Memorial Scholarship

Named in honor of a former Wildlife undergraduate student, the Monica Stokely Memorial Scholarship promotes education of women in natural resources and wildlife science. Each year a number of scholarships are awarded to students pursuing their degree in the Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, targeting those in their Junior or Senior year who are passionate about natural resources, are solid students, and have demonstrated significant service to the Department or discipline. To contribute to the Monica Stokely Memorial Scholarship, click here.


Monica Stokely Memorial Graduate Endowed Fellowship in Wildlife Ecology

The Stokely family has established an endowment to support fellowships for graduate students pursuing an education in wildlife ecology or other related field in the Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences. Preference shall also be given to students who demonstrate a passion for wildlife ecology through practical forestry or conservation work. To contribute to the Monica Stokely Memorial Graduate Endowed Fellowship in Wildlife Ecology, Click here.


Florida Wildlife Federation Scholarship

The Florida Wildlife Federation established this scholarship to promote education and training of wildlife ecologists and conservationists. This scholarship is awarded each year to one undergraduate and one graduate student in the Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation. The scholarship is targeted toward students who show promise to make significant contributions to the future conservation of wildlife and their habitats in Florida, and who demonstrate commitment to the ideals of the Florida Wildlife Federation. For additional information about the Florida Wildlife Federation, see https://floridawildlifefederation.org/. To contribute to the Florida Wildlife Federation Scholarship, click here.


Southern Cone Conservation Leadership Fund

The Southern Cone of South America, composed of Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay, has a spectacular diversity of landscapes, fish and wildlife resources, and equally diverse conservation challenges. The Southern Cone Conservation Leadership Initiative (SCCL) aims to help fill the need in this region for trained professionals who can lead conservation initiatives, promote informed decision-making, and advance university programs in biodiversity conservation and natural resource management. Gifts to this fund support graduate fellowships and small research grants for student theses for students from the Southern Cone, or other SCCL activities (click here for more information on SCCL and the activities your funds will support). To contribute to the Southern Cone Conservation Leadership Initiative, click here.


Turkey and Associated Wildlife Management Fund

Supports research (basic and applied) and extension, including but not limited to field days, podcasting, and EDIS documents, on turkey and associated wildlife management. To contribute to the Turkey and Associated Wildlife Management Fund, Click here.


Guyana Wildlife Conservation Initiative

Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens have established a partnership with UF/IFAS and the Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation to support faculty members conducting wildlife research and community outreach in Guyana, South America. To contribute to the Guyana Wildlife Conservation Initiative, click here.


Florida Master Naturalist Program Endowment Fund

The mission of the Florida Master Naturalist Program is to promote awareness, understanding, and respect of Florida’s natural world among Florida’s citizens and visitors. Established in 2001, this adult education UF/IFAS Extension program offers 10 different courses taught by a statewide network of certified instructors. FMNP awards more than 1,000 graduate certificates annually and is launching a new restoration series of courses. Your gift will help build a permanent endowment and ensure the long-term sustainability for the Florida Master Naturalist Program. To contribute to Florida Master Naturalist Program Endowment Fund, Click here  


Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Major Gifts Program

The Department stands ready to partner with individuals and organizations to advance mutual goals in research, education, extension, and conservation. To explore the potential of partnering with the Department and potential contributions through the Department's major gifts program, contact Dr. Eric C. Hellgren, Department Chair, by phone at (352) 846-0552 or by Email at hellgren@ufl.edu.