Florida Bog Frog
Rana okaloosae
Description: Bog Frogs have rough dark green to brown backs, black mottled undersides, yellow throats, and may have light spots on the lower jaw. A light brown line runs along the lateral fold and does not reach the groin area.
Size: This frog is less than 2 inches long.
Distribution: This frog is uncommon in Florida and is found only in a few acidic streams in Walton, Santa Rosa, and Okaloosa counties in the panhandle.
Special Note: This species is fully protected in Florida.
Call: They will call from spring to summer with a call which sounds like a chuckle -- a series of low-pitched single clucking calls, noticeably slower at the end of the call.
Click HERE to listen to the call of the Bog Frog.
(A new browser window will open with the sound file)
Development of these pages was a cooperative effort. Photos were supplied by Barry Mansell Photos and calls were provided by Paul Moler, state herpetologist for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.