Squirrel Treefrog
Hyla squirella

Squirrel Treefrog Squirrel Treefrog

Description: The squirrel treefrog is highly variable in color and pattern, and may at any time be colored green, brown, or green and brown, and may be spotted or plain. Sometimes a dark spot or bar may appear between its eyes. A light stripe might also occur on the sides of its body. Its common name, "Squirrel Treefrog," comes from its scolding, squirrel-like raspy call, often emitted during rain storms.

Habitat: Generally, the squirrel treefrog prefers habitats that are moist, provide shade, and where insects -- its preferred food source-- are abundant. As their name suggests, treefrogs are well adapted to life in an arboreal environment. Their toes have adhesive disks that allow them to climb easily on bark or twigs. Treefrogs are usually found in habitats such as hydric (wet) hammocks, marshes, mixed hardwood swamps, and cypress swamps.

Call: The squirrel treefrog on the left has taken a deep breath before calling. To produce its call, the frog inhales a big breath then exhales forcefully, pushing the exhaled air through its vocal chords. This sequence is repeated rapidly to produce continuous calling.

Click HERE to listen to the call of the Squirrel Treefrog.

(A new browser window will open with the sound file)


Development of these pages was a cooperative effort. Photos were supplied by Barry Mansell Photos and calls were provided by Paul Moler, state herpetologist for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.