Wildlife at the University of Florida
Wildlife Viewing on Campus
UF Campus Map - Click to enlarge
The University of Florida campus offers many opportunities for passively enjoying nature or actively searching for elusive wildlife species. Watching Wildlife on the UF campus can be an enjoyable pastime. More than 100 species of vertebrate wildlife (mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians) can be found throughout campus.
The UF Bat House
Look no further, we have interesting information about the bats that can be found at the University of Florida's unique, Lake Alice Bat House!
Alternate view of the UF Bat House
"Bat Watching" by Cindy Spence - A story about the UF Bat House (University of Florida Today)
Criteria for Successful Bat Houses (Bat Conservation International)
Natural Area Teaching Laboratory
The University of Florida Natural Area Teaching Laboratory (NATL) and the Thomas J. Walker Conservation Area is dedicated to teaching students and the public about ecology and biotic diversity. It consists of 60 acres in two contiguous tracts in the southwest corner of campus. The larger tract, known as NATL-west, has 49 acres and is west of Natural Area/Surge Area Drive. The smaller tract, known as NATL-east, has 11 acres and is east of Natural Area/Surge Area Drive. NATL has significant samples of three upland ecosystems characteristic of north peninsular Florida: hammock, upland pine, and old-field succession. It has a variety of wetland habitats, including a 9-acre marsh in NATL-east that drains into a pond and sinkhole in NATL-west and a 3-acre ecologically engineered retention basin (SEEP) in the northeast corner of NATL-west. Click on areas of map below to go to descriptions of each ecosystem and wetland habitat.
Watch this video to learn more about NATL: Video on YouTube.
Learn more about the newest addition to NATL: The NATL QR Trail: Songs of Crickets and Katydids.
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