Wildlife Happenings - January
Not only does January bring in a new year, it also gives us a new batch of animal behavior to look out for. Here are some interesting things happening in January:
- Male cardinals begin territorial singing later in the month.
- Roseate spoonbill nesting activity is in full swing in Florida Bay.
- Other nesting activity can be seen by ospreys, sandhill cranes, hawks, and owls.
- Look for red-tailed hawks perched in trees along highways.
- Huge clouds of tree swallows should be visible around sunset roosting over large marsh areas.
- Don't forget, now is a great time to watch our over-wintering populations of ducks and geese.
- Gray foxes, bobcats, and raccoons begin breeding this month.
- Deer reach the peak of the rutting season in north Florida.
- Black bears in North Florida are inactive or in dens
- Black crappie start feeding heavily in central Florida
- Striped bass and sunshine bass move into open water to feed on shad
Have a GREEN Holiday
If you have a live Christmas tree, put it to good use - use it to start a brush pile near your bird feeder. Not only will it provide good year-round cover for birds, but it will also take up a lot less space in your county landfill.