Florida Backyard Landscapes for Wildlife
The Florida Backyard Landscapes for Wildlife program is an inexpensive program administered by the Florida Wildlife Extension that will help you landscape your property to be more appealing to birds and other wildlife.
For a $5.00 fee, which covers the cost of certification materials, this program includes information on how to design a wildlife refuge in your yard. Using detailed descriptions of your current or planned landscaping, we will provide tips on how to better attract and benefit desired wildlife species in your yard. Upon completion, you will receive a personalized certificate and yard sign in recognition of your concern and efforts to provide food and cover for wildlife. If you own or rent a residential property with at least 10 square yards that can be landscaped for wildlife, you can join the hundreds of Florida residents participating in the Florida Backyard Landscapes for Wildlife program.
This program is being offered through a cooperative agreement between the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and the Florida Wildlife Extension. The Florida Wildlife Extension is part of the Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation in the Institute for Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) at the University of Florida.
Click HERE to see if the
Florida Backyard Landscapes for Wildlife program is available in your county.
Florida Public Bird Monitoring Program
Did you ever wonder how your landscaping affects wildlife? Well now YOU can help find out by participating in a citizen-based bird-monitoring program. The Florida Bird Monitoring Program is a website where you can enter your bird survey data and view results from participants across Florida. Through this website, people can track which birds occur in their yards and communities over time. Property owners that are landscaping for wildlife can determine which landscaping strategies and management techniques work best in attracting certain bird species and improve the ecological design and maintenance of their yards.
Click HERE to find out more about this bird-monitoring program. If you have any questions or comments about this exciting program, please contact us.