Wildlife Information
The abundant natural areas in Florida provide habitat for a number of wildlife species. Explore this section to learn more about local wildlife and what you can do to live with and enjoy it.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have a question about wildlife? Visit our FAQ section to see if we've answered it.
Building for Birds
Frogs & Toads of Florida
Are you trying to identify a frog or toad? Visit this link to search by common name, species name, or by appearance.
Wildlife Happenings
Here you will find a monthly calendar of what types of wildlife you can expect to see throughout the year.
Wildlife Articles and Fact Sheets
Visit this link to search for articles and fact sheets covering a wide range of wildlife and other topics.
Wildlife at the University of Florida
Here you will find resources for viewing wildlife at the University of Florida campus.
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
This site will provide you with information about state wildlife regulations and fact sheets about Florida wildlife topics.
NatureServe is a non-profit conservation organization that provides scientific information about conservation.
Rare Florida Wildlife Species
Visit this site to research rare plant and animal species native to Florida.