Urban Biodiversity Conservation: International Examples
Interested in international examples of urban communities that conserve biodiversity? A symposium was held at the international conservation biology conference in Auckland, New Zealand - December 7, 2011. The symposium was titled Conserving Biodiversity in Urban Environments: Engaging Policymakers, Developers, and Citizens. We were interested in working examples where communities have implemented ways to promote urban biodiversity conservation. We encourage people to send in examples and we'll post them on this web site. Examples can include green developments, policies, programs, organizations, public/private initiatives, educational strategies, and other strategies that have engaged urban communities and people to conserve urban biodiversity (online links would be most useful). Research papers and other articles are also encouraged (citations, pdfs, online articles). We will also post failed attempts to engage people in urban biodiversity conservation. These successes (and failures) will offer lessons learned and provide new ideas for conservation biologists, residents, developers, planners, etc. to implement in their cities and neighborhoods. If you would like to contribute or have questions, please contact Dr. Mark Hostetler. Below, please find links and resources concerning promoting and implementing urban biodiversity conservation.
- Urban developments that have incorporated biodiversity conservation
- Research and review articles that address aspects of promoting and implementing biodiversity conservation in urban developments
- Other articles and books that address aspects of biodiversity conservation in urban developments
- City, county, and regional policies that address urban biodiversity conservation
- Unique programs, educational sites, and organizations that engage policy makers, developers, and citizens in urban biodiversity conservation
- Online training courses concerning green developments and biodiversity conservation
Urban developments that have incorporated biodiversity conservation
- Town of Harmony, Florida
- Prairie Crossing, Illinois
- The Woodlands at Davidson, North Carolina
- Waitakere, Eco City, New Zealand
Research and review articles that address aspects of promoting and implementing biodiversity conservation in urban developments
Methods and strategies to create functional, biodiverse urban communities
- Hostetler, M.E. & D. Drake. 2009. Conservation subdivisions: a wildlife perspective. Landscape and Urban Planning. 90: 95-101.
- Hostetler, M., Allen, W., and C. Meurk. 2011. Conserving urban biodiversity? Creating green infrastructure is only the first step. Landscape and Urban Planning. doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2011.01.011
- Hostetler, M., Swiman, E., Prizzia, A., and Noiseux, K. 2008. Reaching residents of green communities: Evaluation of a unique environmental education program. Applied Environmental Education & Communication 7(3):114-124
- Hostetler, M.E. 2010. Beyond design: the importance of construction and post-construction phases in green developments. Sustainability 2:1128-1137.
- Wald, D., and M.E. Hostetler. 2010. Value of residential open space: designation and management language of Florida's land development regulations Sustainability 2(6): 1536-1552.
- Hostetler, M.E., and M. Main. 2010. Tips to create biodiverse, urban communities. Journal of Extension 48/5.
- Hostetler, M.E., and M. Main. 2010. Native landscaping vs. exotic landscaping: what should we recommend? Journal of Extension 48/5.
- Hostetler, M. E., and K. Noiseux. 2010. Are green residential developments attracting environmentally savvy homeowners? Landscape and Urban Planning. 94: 234-243.
- Noiseux, K., Hostetler, M. E., 2008. Eco-opportunity knocks: do homebuyers want green features in communities? Environment and Behavior. doi: 10.1177/0013916508326470.
- Hostetler, M.E. Jones, P., Dukes, M., Knowles, H., Acomb, G. and M. Clark. 2008. With one stroke of the pen: how can extension professionals involve developers & policymakers in creating sustainable communities? Journal of Extension. 46/.
- Youngentob, K, and M. E. Hostetler. 2005. Is a new urban development model building greener communities? Environment and Behavior 37: 731-759.
Urban ecology and conservation
- Traut, A. H., and M.E. Hostetler. 2004. Urban lakes and waterbirds: effects of shoreline development on avian distribution. Landscape and Urban Planning 69: 69-85.
- Dawson, D.E., and M.E. Hostetler. 2010. Edge avoidance by birds of urban forest remnants. Florida Scientist 73 (3/4): 203-217.
- Traut, A. H., and M.E. Hostetler. 2003. Urban lakes and waterbirds: effects of development on avian behavior. Waterbirds 26 (3): 290-302.
- Hostetler, M. E., and K. Knowles-Yanez. 2003. Land use, scale, and bird distributions in the Phoenix metropolitan area. Landscape and Urban Planning 62: 55-68.
- McIntyre, N. and M.E. Hostetler. 2001. Effects of urban land use on pollinator (Hymenoptera: Apodidea) communities in a desert metropolis. Journal of Applied and Theoretical Biology 2: 209-218
- Hostetler, M.E. and C.S. Holling. 2000. Detecting the scales at which birds respond to landscape structure in urban landscapes. Urban Ecosystems 4: 25-54.
- Dawson, D.E. and M.E. Hostetler. 2008. Herpetofaunal use of edge and interior habitats in urban forest remnants. Urban Habitats 5. http://www.urbanhabitats.org/
- Hostetler, M.E. 1999. Scale, birds, and human decisions: a potential for integrative research in urban ecosystems. Landscape and Urban Planning. 45: 15-19.
- Hostetler, M.E., Duncan, S., and, J. Paul. 2005. The effects of an apartment complex on migrating and wintering birds. Southeastern Naturalist. 4 (3): 421-434.
Other articles and books that address aspects of biodiversity conservation in urban developments
- Hostetler, M. 2012. The Green Leap: A Primer for Conserving Biodiversity in Subdivision Development. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA. 185 pp.
- Conservation Subdivision Series from University of Florida
- Dawson, D., and M. Hostetler. 2010. Forest remnants: conserving and observing urban bird diversity. 7pp. University of Florida, UF/IFAS EDIS Database. WEC298. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/uw343
- Hostetler, M. E. 2010. "Conservation Subdivision: Construction Phase - Dark-sky Lighting" 4pp. University of Florida, UF/IFAS EDIS Database. WEC283. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/uw328.
- Hostetler, M. E. and Acomb, G. 2010. "Conservation Subdivision: Construction Phase - Protecting Trees and Conserved Natural Areas " 7pp. University of Florida, UF/IFAS EDIS Database. WEC278. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/uw323.
- Hostetler, M. E. 2010. "Conservation Subdivision: Design Phase - Wetland Considerations" 7pp. University of Florida, UF/IFAS EDIS Database. WEC281. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/uw326
- Hostetler, M. E. and Main, M. 2010. Conservation Subdivision: Construction Phase - Native Landscaping Palette" 7pp. University of Florida, UF/IFAS EDIS Database. WEC284. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/uw329.
- Hostetler, M. E. and Moulton, M. 2010. "Conservation Subdivision: Design Phase - Wildlife-friendly Transportation Network " 6pp. University of Florida, UF/IFAS EDIS Database. WEC280. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/uw325.
- Hostetler, M. E. and Escobedo, F. 2010. "What Types of Urban Greenspace are Better for Carbon Dioxide Sequestration?" 2pp. University of Florida, UF/IFAS EDIS Database. WEC 279. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/uw324.
- Hostetler, M. E. 2009. "Conservation Subdivision: Design Phase - Location of Conserved Open Spaces" 5pp. University of Florida, UF/IFAS EDIS Database. WEC276. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/uw321
- Hostetler, M. E. and Knowles, H. 2009. "Conservation Subdivision: Design Phase - Patch Size and Shape of Conserved Open Spaces" 5pp. University of Florida, UF/IFAS EDIS Database. WEC230. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/uw320
- Hostetler, M. E. 2006. Covenants, Codes, and Restrictions that Address Environmental Issues in Residential Communities. University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service Fact Sheet WEC 213. 7 pp. University of Florida, UF/IFAS EDIS Database, http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/UW248
- Hostetler, M. E. 2006. Evaluating Green Communities. University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service Fact Sheet WEC 193. 9 pp. University of Florida, UF/IFAS EDIS Database, http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/UW247
- Hostetler, M. E., Main, M.B., and C. Demers. 2004. Improving, Restoring, and Managing Natural Resources in Florida: Sources of Technical Assistance for Urban Homeowners. University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service Fact Sheet WEC 193. 4 pp. University of Florida, UF/IFAS EDIS Database, http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/UW212
- Hostetler, M.E., Klowden, G., Miller, S.W., and K. N. Youngentob. 2003. Landscaping Backyards for Wildlife: Top Ten Tips for Success. University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service Fact Sheet Circ 1429. 9 pp. University of Florida, UF/IFAS EDIS Database, http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/UW175
City, county, and regional policies that address urban biodiversity conservation
- Romero, M. & Hostetler, M. E. 2007. "Policies that Address Sustainable Site Development." EDIS: IFAS. Circ 1520. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/UW254.
- Romero, M. & Hostetler, M. E. 2007. "Policies that Address Sustainable Landscaping Practices." EDIS: IFAS. Circ 1519. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/UW253.
- Native Plant Ordinance, Eden Prairie, Minnesota - (www.edenprairie.org; City Code 9.71).
Unique programs, educational sites, and organizations that engage policy makers, developers, and citizens in urban biodiversity conservation
- Program for Resource Efficient Communities, University of Florida
- Sustainable Sites Initiative
- New Zealand communities with LID practices
- Wildlife Friendly Development Certification Program, North Carolina
- Florida Master Naturalist
- Minnesota Master Naturalist
- Learning for Sustainability
- Travis Audubon Urban Habitat Program, Austin Texas
- Wellington City Council Community Greening Program, Wellington, NZ
- Auckland City Council and Motutapu Restoration Trust
- Tane's Tree Trust, New Zealand
- Places for Penguins Program with Forest and Bird New Zealand
- City of Portland Citizen Amphibian Monitoring and Education Program
- Case Studies of LID Projects in New Zealand
- Greening Australia - Land for Wildlife Program
- Urban Nature Sanctuary - Zealandia, Wellington, NZ
- Birds in Backyards Program, Australia
- Auckland Council Pollution Response Team
- Urban Bushland Council and Biodiversity Conservation
- Project Twin Streams, Waitakere City, New Zealand
- Cape Action for People and the Environment, Cape Town South Africa
- Cape Town, South Africa Biodiversity Strategy
- Hessequa, South Africa, Environmental Education Strategy
- Heesequa, South Africa Integrated Environmental Policy
- Virginia Working Landscapes
- Open Space New Zealand, QEII National Trust
- Friends of Merri Creek, Melbourne, Australia
- New Zealand Centre for Sustainable Cities
- Urban Ecology Australia Inc.
- Sustainable Melbourne
- Conservation Development Working Group, School of Global Environmental Sustainability, Colorado State University
- Human Livelihoods, North American Program, Wildlife Conservation Society
- Canberra Ornithologists Group
Online training courses concerning green developments and biodiversity conservation
- Program for Resource Efficient Communities continuing education courses concerning green developments http://www.buildgreen.ufl.edu/continuing_education_next.htm
- American Citizen Planner Webinar Series: Conserving Biodiversity in Subdivision Development https://noncredit.msu.edu/listSections.action?catalogid=11&offeringid=614