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Have a wildlife question that's been on your mind? Can't find the answer anywhere?
Ask a Wildlife Extension Specialist:
Hance Ellington - Wildlife conservation and rangeland
Mark Hostetler - Urban Wildlife and Conservation, Sustainable Development, Conservation Development
Steve Johnson - Reptiles (snakes, turtles, lizards, alligators), amphibians (frogs & salamanders), invasive species (Cuban treefrogs), nuisance wildlife
Juan Campos Krauer - Animal health, disease ecology, wildlife ecology and conservation
Marcus Lashley - Fire ecology, carrion ecology, and ecology and management of native and invasive species
Frank Mazzotti - Endangered and invasive species, human dimensions, and environmental education
Holly Ober - Management of Wildlife in Forests, Natural Areas Training Academy, Conserved Forest Ecosystems: Outreach & Research
Samantha Wisely - Wildlife Diseases